SCORE in Brief

SCORE is acronym, it stands for:

Specific skills intervention for strategic development
Corporate research promotion and collective responsibility
Observational traits and culture of competence
Research, analysis and synthesis of baseline development for appropriate mentoring
Entrepreneurial skills enhancement and transfer of technology through collective participation

SCORE is an initiative designed to foster sustainable development activities. 
Our advocacy efforts encourages business enabling environment reforms (BEER) and enhanced policies for MSMEs and Private sector business activities in general. 

At Score we are optimistic that improved Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) MSMEs) in Nigeria, and enhanced private sector business activities will contribute significantly to development of the nation.

SCORE is people centered, empowerment oriented and development driven. At Score we dedicate large chunk of our resources to monitor and groom the younger generations, as well as equip them with life support and life saving skills. In addition to these we monitor, scrutinize and analyze, evaluate public and private sector bodies, score their operations to determine their impact on the society. 

Our focus is more on identifying ways the private sector operations can be enhanced, hence our advocacy efforts in this regard are centered more on business enabling environment, corporate governance, Culture and Creativity, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Tourism and pushing for commitment of the citizens on social responsibility issues.

We discourage in all ramifications activities that have the potential to harm the people and aggravate environmental degradation and the attendant risk of increasing the likelihood of hazards and disasters in both  urban and rural communities. We consider the occurrence of such terrible evevts a  serious setback to the development efforts of the society, considering their capacity to Mar the efforts and positive contributions of well meaning citizens to impact the country in their own little but positive ways. 

Viewed broadly therefore, SCORE is simply put, a strategic development tool, a collective work, and a collaborative responsibility instrument, a sort of agenda setting package, designed to identify, articulate, produce and disseminate culturally appropriate materials necessary to put most of the Micro and Small enterprise segment of the economy on the path of meaningful development efforts that is required to create a shift in the system.  

The three bottom lines: People, Planet and Profit are the operational guide to our conduct and therefore the core determinant to what we do. Our filed activities revolve around: surveys, interviews, investigation, research, event coverage and reportage that enable us to score activities that promote the the three bottom line. 

Thank you for reading and identifying with us!

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