Tuesday, 4 February 2025


The way of the falsely accused - 
My hands are clean

Have you ever been  accused falsely or wrongly? 

People of different ages, sex, race and religious believes, claim they have been falsely accused at one point or the other. 

Areas most people claim they have been falsely accused are: stealing, rape, snatching of wife or husband, boy or girl friend, murder, conspiracy and betrayal. 

On rape, more males claim victim. On infidelity, both sexes are running neck to neck.

The domestic Servants or House helps, also referred to as, House Boys and Girls, claim they are mostly the victims of false accusations. According to them “We can be accused at any time, and of anything. The most painful part is, our accusers get allies or supporters easily. To them, "we are nobody”. 

Do you think their claim is true? 

What of the Politicians? Many of them claim it will be a wonder of sort, not to be accused falsely any day of the week. 

All the parties above and many other people agree that emotional and psychological torture associated with false accusations penetrate deeper and linker  more, if compared with the physical torture. Unfortunately, some people have paid the Supreme price, due to false accusation.

Apart from the politicians, most of the people that Siad they were falsely accused claim that the involvement of law enforcement agents in their matter, increased their woes.

They allege suffering in the hands of the security agencies of unimaginable dehumanizing treatments that include fleecing them of their cash and other valuable possessions.

With the above in mind, and indeed, other issues not identified in this brief piece, there is an indication that an untoward, disturbing and distablising development lurks around always. 

Dearies, let's talk, 

What are the effects of false accusation on People? 

What are its effect on bonding and relationship building in the family, at the workplace and in Businesses, in the Communities and on Development of the Society, generally? 

Please do share your story or experience with respect to false accusation?


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