Wednesday 26 June 2024


Dear reader, Scoreline in a previous publication on this Platform, requested that you take a close look at the picture above, and in doing so observe the advert that was put across to persuade the buyer to patronize the seller or buy the advertised.

You were also informed that the picture, with the wordings that conveyed the message of the advert was generated or rather culled from the Facebook wall of a desirous and committed business person, the owner of the product who obviously was keen to improve his/her business through more patronage from members of the public.

The seller’s target for making the move of pushing the product and supporting it with the advert was summarized in that previous publication as effort to: increase sales, income and profit, and ultimately to grow the business. These efforts were identified as noble objectives. Finally, your opinion was sought through the question: What is your take on the issue?

In case you did not read that post and you want to read it and indeed contribute to the discourse, very much aware that your opinion counts highly in the things that we do, could you please click the link below and thereafter, return to continue with this present publication. Please click:    .

Moving forward, I wish to note that using empty used Branded Cans or containers of other companies for packaging other products, as in the case at hand, is a common experience, a constant feature, and a regular occurrence, and easily spotted in the street corners and market places. 

Please note that the emphasis in this is on packaging own product with used empty Cans and other forms of Containers belonging to other companies. It is popular among the local business operators, who more or less are competing among themselves as to who will outperform, or outclass the other in this ignoble act. 

Cases abound where the same local producer use the same empty used branded Cans/containers to package different products of his/hers, and in other cases different producers of the same product, and at other times different producers of different products use the same type of empty used branded Cans/containers to package their products, and present them to the market, highly elated, joyfully and actively, of course without any sense of guilt soliciting for patronage and attracting in some cases constant traffic because of the number of buyers they service regularly.

The above identified, is the handiwork of especially those doing business with very little or low capital. They also suffer seriously from poor orientation and awareness about business. It is obvious that the identified activities are the work of the ignorant minded, those that are not properly schooled about issues associated with packaging and branding in business. Certainly, they know next to nothing about brand confusion, aesthetic capital and quality concerns, trademark infringement, labelling errors and material incompatibility, product contamination and others, and are indeed oblivious of the legal liabilities of their conduct.

This write-up is not intended to call on the regulatory and law enforcement agencies to rise up immediately and begin to arrest and throw the culprits into the jails, but to attract or draw their attention on the need for increased sensitization, awareness creation and re-orientation of the public on the dangers to health of their actions and inactions, and further implications, especially to the business interest of the real owners of the brands they are damaging, as a way of discouraging them from their very harmful practices and stopping them from doing more damages, and arousing their consciousness to the effect that the laws are meant to bite, and will surely bite.

On the part of Scoreline, we have already started and will sustain the tempo, going ahead with more enlightenments, continuing with handling one after the other the issues already identified and highlighted above, as well as do more in the focused area and other areas of interest with regard to redefining the activities of the Micro business operators, as a means of fast-tracking and improving the business activities of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, and pushing the Private Sector to perform its role of opening up the economy and throwing up for the benefit of the teeming populace job creation and wealth generation opportunities in the country.

Keep reading and following Scoreline, the two people company: You and Us.

Nnabugwu Chizoba


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