Sunday 16 June 2024


Air Vice Marshal Chinwendu Onyeike, Rtd, Council Chariman/Mayor Isuikwuato LGA

Hon. Madukwe John is the Councilor representing the good people of Imenyi Ward 1, in Isuikwuato Local Government Area (LGA), Abia state, South-East Nigeria. He was recently engaged by Scoreline, and made to speak about the economic benefits of what he referred to as massive road infrastructure and other improvement works embarked on by the political head of the Council, Air Vice Marshal Chinwendu Onyeike, Rtd.

Recall that we had earlier in our previous publication on this Platform brought you a report that Hon. Madukwe John, spoke glowingly about the leadership of “Dr. Alex Otti, Executive Governor Abia State, and AVM Chinwendu Onyike (Rtd), Chairman/Mayor Isuikwuato LGA. In that report Scoreline told you that Hon. Madukwe made the following assertions:

“Dr. Alex Otti, Executive Governor Abia State, and AVM Chinwendu Onyike (Rtd), Chairman/Mayor Isuikwuato LGA, have been amazing. Just one year in office, Abia state is already wearing a new/different look, and in six months the Mayor has made remarkable changes”,

When Scoreline probed to know what the changes are, his response was:

“The Mayor who in the interest and benefits of the people of Isuikwuato LGA, commenced work immediately he was appointed, approached his executive functions diligently, to ensure that roads are graded in the various wards in the LGA, also made sure that the Council Secretariat is transformed, infrastructure wise. Visible, face lifting capital projects are there for everybody, especially the doubting Thomases to see.

Continuing, Hon. Maduka pointed out clearly that the lost glory of the state and the LGA are being regained and restored. The things we merely hear of and never had the privilege of seeing previously are finally becoming reality; they have been brought close to us, to our door steps. The good people of Abia and Isuikwuato are seeing the dividends of democracy. Good Governance which has eluded the people for a long time, for over 24 years is back in the streets of Abia state and Isuikwuato, he stressed.

Scoreline probed further, and requested Hon. Madukwe to mention specifically the roads graded in his Ward, and to tell the people the economic benefits of the roads in the locality. On the strength of this, Hon. Madukwe had this to say:

The Mayor through the support of the Governor has graded roads in Imenyi Wards 1 that the people are already enjoying and will continue to enjoy. 


“The roads are not beneficial to the good people of Isuikwuato alone, but to the people of other communities, our neighbours, as well as passers-by (travelers).

“The infrastructure development works carried out by the Mayor at the Council Headquarter, the seat of government is an image building project with serious implications, positively to the Council and the LGA generally. Infrastructure development at the Council Secretariat was neglected, as a matter of fact abandoned by the previous governments. No major improvement work was done. This hitherto, made the Council look uninhabited and unattractive to the visitors, the entire workforce at the Council, and to the good people of Isuikwuato, reputed highly for their love of cleanliness and beauty.

“The unseen development works: capacity building and other human resource improvement efforts of the Mayor in the council have brought about enhanced work environment that has led to increased motivation of the entire workforce, improved work relationships and increased work flow within the council. These attributes, which naturally pervade any enhanced work environment are glaringly manifesting at the council and will continue to improve. 

“These obviously noticeable improvements in almost all facets of the works of the council combine in multiple ways to the attainment of the presently improved productivity, visibility and impact that the council is witnessing and receiving wide spread accolades from the council staff, residents and citizens.

According to Hon. Madukwe, road network is always very important in every locality. Thus, the grading of roads by the Mayor will enable travellers, farmers and the business community to access their homes, the farmlands, the produce and markets with ease or less stress.

“Roads impact communities in many ways, such as opening the economic space through diversification of efforts and interests, injection of new business lines; and emergence of new facilities, and of course opening of new branches by existing business interests.

“It is just a matter of time investors of different kinds will be attracted towards the council area due to the improvement in infrastructure presently witnessed in the council. Same is true of other transactions including the activities of Non-governmental Organizations: NGOs, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and the development partners that will be attracted to not just the council area but other locations in the LGA. Remember the Mayor is touching every part of Isuikwuato LGA.

The new look entrance to the Council Secretariat

“I have not forgotten the fact that Sons and Daughters of Isuikwuato LGA, living in the various cities and locations at home and abroad will be moved by the activities of the Mayor to start investing in facility development of different kinds.

“I can assure you that massive development is coming to Isuikwuato because of the transformation works the Mayor is doing, and the unprecedented support he is receiving from the dynamic governor of Abia state, Dr. Alex Otti, who has sworn to make Abia state the envy of other states by the time he leaves office.

“The target of Mayor as anybody can see is to throw up massive job creation and wealth generation opportunities for the teeming youths, men and women of the LGA, to ensure that they are employed and enabled to pursue their dreams and contribute actively to the growth and development of their fatherland.

“Working under the two leaders has been quite memorable, highly educating, empowering and enriching, Hon. Madukwe John concluded.

Please click the link below to see more of the road grading works in Imenyi Ward and the face lifting works at the council secretariat.



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