Monday 24 June 2024



Scoreline is unflinching, unwavering and unrelenting towards actualizing to the later her self-imposed mandate of creating at least 25,000 jobs through the opening up of the Nigerian economic space and throwing up new opportunities for job creation and wealth generation for the teeming Nigerian populace.

Recently Scoreline ran into Ken Gambo, in the beautiful City of Jos, the Plateau State Capital, North Central Nigeria, the city reputed strongly for her scenic environment.

The amazingly interesting and highly inspiring story of the young Ken Gambo, an Economics graduate that ventured into Agriculture, farming in particular, right from the scratch, and with little or no Startup capital, and is presently doing very well is an eye opener to the graduate, and non-graduate reading this piece, and is desirous of firing the Boss and hiring the former staff.

As the economy of Nigeria keeps biting harder and harder and the pressure brought on the adversely affected citizens and other residents in the country keep mounting and accelerating at the speed of light, one of the best gifts you can offer yourself my esteemed reader is to read, internalize and embrace the story of Ken Gambo. Consider this opportunity a defining one. 

R-L: Gambo, Scoreline Crew member

Gambo’s story presents a glaring opportunity and a very clear direction for those that are willing to fire their Boss and hire the former staff to help themselves, or contribute significantly to helping others arrest the ugly effects of the poor economy, that has shown serious manifestations of the signs of shrinking salaries, rising prices of goods and services, and large sums of unpaid retirement and pension benefits for long period of years. It presents also an opportunity for the same group of people to raise sustainable support structure, a cushioning effect against the challenging cases of dwindling and constantly fluctuating incomes, voluntary and forced movement from one form of poorly paid jobs to the other, and increasing frequency of job loss, in the face of a highly deteriorating currency value, the Naira, which in most part is the consequence of low production and unmitigated dependency on imported goods and services by both the government and the citizenry.

The effects of the above include, constant shrinking of bank accounts, reduced size of Men’s pockets and Women’s purses. A part of the mitigating responses is to redirect efforts and attention to areas that offer opportunities for increased material and human resources, massive production and promotion of export of goods and services produced locally as against massive consumption that is import dependent.

Gambo’s story will enable those that are willing to fire their boss and hire the former staff to redirect efforts and trigger in quick successions those activities that will open up the economic space, to throw up multiple job creation and wealth generation opportunities that will help to reduce drastically the ugly effects of a fumbling and wobbling economy on the teeming populace: hardworking male and female, young and old, skilled and unskilled that are being decimated regularly by unemployment, hunger and starvation.

As part of a mitigation strategy, Scoreline has been interfacing seriously at different levels, vertically and horizontally. In the line of duty your darling Platform came in contact with Ken Gambo, and has been interfacing with him. The interface has been very fruitful, and the Platform is poised to throw up heart-warming opportunities for the real success minded and achievement driven, particularly those that are willing to confront the consequences of firing their Boss and hiring the former staff, and by so doing challenge themselves, reach out more to the unreached self and begin the process of tapping and harvesting what is harboured within to take advantage of the emerging or evolving economy and benefit maximally from the opportunities that the economic environment is throwing up on regular basis.

Learning from Ken Gambo’s story, provides the reader with the sheer determination, habit and ability to stretch out and truly explore, and to become actively positioned to tap significantly and diligently from the economy and as Gambo is doing overcome the constantly threatening monsters associated with the shaky and hard biting, long neglected and badly mismanaged Nigerian economy.

Scoreline enjoins you at this point to pause, reflect over what you have read so far and answer these questions.

  • Do you want to fire your Boss?
  • Do you want to hire the staff?


  • Do you want to help somebody to fire the Boss?
  • Do you want to also help the person hire the staff of the sacked boss?

If your answer is yes to the questions above, Scoreline invites you to read the life transforming and inspiring story of Ken Gambo designed to keep the success minded, achievement oriented and impact driven away from wondering and drifting aimlessly and endlessly into oblivion and to embrace a life of productivity and begin to play the leading role in the affairs of your life and nation by clicking this link below: 

Thanks for reading this publication and for continuing with the next publication… 

By Nnabugwu Chizoba



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