Sunday 30 June 2024


Locally made Waist to Wealth Machine... Up for Grabs

Join Scoreline in her self-imposed mandate of creating at least 25,000 jobs through effective coverage, reportage and writings of entrepreneurship and development activities of both the Public and Private Sectors...

In a previous publication on this Platform, I noted that people are classified or fall into three categories, namely: those that make things happen, those that watch things and those that ask what did happen.

In the referenced publication those that make things happen were identified as the Entrepreneurs, while those that watch things were recognized as the opportunists, spurred by greed and inordinate ambitions. In the case of those that are left to ask what happen? the publication did not pin them down to any specific identifiable trait. As we proceed in this publication, these issues will become clearer. Please read more on that publication here by clicking this link:

I had equally in three different publications also in your darling Platform Scoreline presented one issue that was treated in three different narratives that bother fundamentally on packaging with branded containers of other companies. The first of the three publications presented a picture showing where used branded containers of another company were used by a micro outfit for packaging his/her own product. In that publication I raised some questions that demanded the reader’s response. That publication was very brief. Please click this link for the publication:

In the second publication I discussed some general issues considered critical to the subject matter, and in doing so raised issues such as brand confusion, aesthetic capital and quality concerns, trademark infringement, labelling errors and material incompatibility, product contamination and others. These issues and more in that publication are yet to be treated in detail for the benefit of the readers of Scoreline, the Platform dedicated for massive entrepreneurship and development coverage and reportage. I invite you to click this link for that publication:

The third publication centered fundamentally on two scenarios associated with the subject of discourse: packaging with other companies branded containers. The two identified scenarios that were recognised and treated in that publication are:

  • Using branded used containers of another company to package own products. The scenario that was identified is where the culprit does it in a way and manner that the buyer is not deceived as to who the producer of the product inside the container is. 
  • Using branded new containers of another company to package own product. Here it was identified that the culprits conduct their packaging with the branded containers of another company putting their own products inside the container, but presented as if the branded containers and the products inside them were the products of the real brand owners. Please click the link for the publication.

The previous publications are fundamental to the readers understanding of issues associated with the classification of people into the three categories discussed in brief at the beginning of this piece. The issues are also relevant and central to deeper understanding and more enlightened and engaging sessions with the reader in terms of what and who the entrepreneur is; and the question of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial processes that propel activities in this regard.

In view of the above, a passionate appeal is here made to the reader to as much as possible visit and read with attention the previous publications for a very healthy and interactive engagement between you, the esteemed reader of this Platform and me, the privileged conductor of this collective movement spearheaded by Scoreline and targeted at contributing significantly to the opening up, expansion and diversification of the presently crippling, mono economy of Nigerian.

Added to the above objective, is our unflinching and unwavering commitment to a self-imposed mandate of creating at least 25,000 job creation and wealth generation opportunities and activities, through effective coverage and massive reportage of socio-economic and development activities in the land.

The impact of the above to the Nigerian economy when achieved can be imagined. As a matter of fact, the aggregate contribution of such to the economy, when considered in terms of the multiplier effects is enough encouragement for driving consistently towards the attainment of a noble goal, seeking to inject into the system  job creation and wealth generation opportunities necessary to fight the consistently rising and worsening unemployment situation, with the attendant challenges that are already stirring everybody in the face.

Thanks for visiting and reading Scoreline… Please do join us in the subsequent publication.

By Nnabugwu Chizoba


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