Friday 24 May 2024


Mr. Olugbile Holloway, DG National Commission for Museum and Monument, Nigeria

Massive attendance, wide spread jubilation, and display of multiple categories of traditional and cultural entertainment packages by different groups and communities in Plateau state are the visible attractions that added beauty and glamour to the 2024 International Museum Day celebration that held Saturday, May 18, 2024, at the Jos Museum, in Plateau State, North Central, Nigeria.

The successes of the day wouldn’t have been possible without some people committing their time, energy and other resources objectively, effectively and efficiently to ensure that such happened.

In view of the above, top and lower management team of the National Commission for Museums and Monument (NCMM), at both the National Headquarters in Abuja and Jos Museum are singled out here for celebration and praises by the management and staff of Scoreline Media, reputed for promoting the heritage, cultural and traditional activities in Jos Plateau state and beyond.

The Director General of the Commission, Mr. Olugbile Holloway and his scaffolding team of eggheads in Abuja are here celebrated by Scoreline. Same appreciation and commendation go to the Curator of the National Museum Jos Mrs. Bolcit Byanyiko, and her indefatigable team for their untiring efforts that supported the fireworks from the Abuja end of the divide which collectively culminated into the very colourful, well attended and heart-warming outing that the 2024 International Museum Day celebration in Jos, Plateau state, North Central Nigeria ultimately became.

Mrs. Bolcit Byanyiko Curator National Museum Jos

Of a truth, the recently held International Museum Day event in Jos Plateau state has systematically redefined heritage, traditional and cultural celebrations in Plateau state. It has broadened peoples’ perspective about culture, tasked their mind seriously about their roles as individuals, and drew their attention on the need for increased collaboration between the people and relevant or appropriate state and none state actors involved in heritage and cultural activities. 

It is a fact that the doors of the Curator, Mrs Bolcit Byanyiko are wide open for ideas and collaborations from well meaning members of the society (individuals, groups and institutions), desirous of sharing their ideas and contributing to the development of the society through the museum are welcomed.

Noteworthy, is the fact that the disposition of the Curator, is fundamental to achieving the long expected growth, development and sustainable development of the Nigerian economy. 

Massive job and wealth creation efforts, and sustainable income generation opportunities are needed by the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) in the heritage and culture sub-sector, to diversify the economy and open Nigeria’s economic space, to enable the numerous idle but qualified, competent, capable, committed and willing members of the society, most of them youths to be empowered and to become functionally active, economically viable and more useful to themselves and the society. 

For sure, beneficial socio-economic development opportunities in the heritage and culture Sub-sector abound in Nigeria, but require deliberate efforts at cultural revival. This no doubt requires objectively driven policies; continuity oriented and committed oriented office holders like the National Museum Curator, for the efforts at pursuing honest driven, self-imposed mandates to be realized.

The Rigwe Nation, under the umbrella: Irigwe Development Association (IDA) ably led by Dr. Daniel Gya deserves even more accolades from Scoreline for the demonstrated interest and understanding of the role the National Museum Management expected of the Rigwe Nation when she was invited as a critical stakeholder towards developing and projecting the arts and culture preservation, protection and appreciation role of the National Museums as envisaged and clearly exhibited by the activities of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) by organizing the International Museum Day Celebrations that occur annually on May 18th, and used globally to create awareness of the rich cultural and natural heritage of humanity.

Scoreline uses this medium to call on all well-meaning Nigerians and non-Nigerians, especially Plateau state residents to support the administration of the National Museum Jos, led by Mrs. Bolcit Byanyiko, as well as urge other ethnic nationalities in Plateau state to emulate the footsteps of the Rigwe Nation and collaborate more with the National Museum authorities in Jos to revive the heritage and cultural activities of Plateau state and impact Nigeria’s economy positively.

We do the above aware that Nigeria, as Rigwe President Dr. Daniel Gya, already identified is greatly endowed with diverse multi-ethnic cultures, believing strongly as well that the slogan which represents Plateau state as the Center of Peace and Tourism is not a fluke. In view of this we submit that heritage and culture, tourism and the likes hold great opportunities for Nigeria’s development, and call on all and sundry to lend their voice and support appropriately relevant organs of both the government and private sectors for the envisaged benefits to accrue to the land.

Nnabugwu Chizoba (For scoreline)

 Note: Please click this link for more pictures of the event - 2024 International Museum Day, in Jos Plateau State.

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