Wednesday 29 May 2024


Curator National Museum Jos: Mrs. Bolcit Byanyiko

May 27th every year is marked as the Children's Day in Nigeria. It is a day the indomitable, resilient and Can-Do Spirit of the Nigerian Child is honoured and celebrated publicly and remarkably in appreciation of the continuity offer that the Nigerian nation has in the child.

Over the years this event has been marked without much funfair and sign of commitment and dedication from most public institutions and unfortunately by the executive arm of the different tiers of the government: federal, state and local governments which undeniably give the negative, disturbing and damaging impression that the Nigerian Child has been abandoned, neglected and forgotten by the various levels of governments in Nigeria.

In the midst of the above ugly narrative, the authorities of the National Museum Jos, Plateau State, North Central Nigeria, led by the Curator, Mrs. Bolcit Byanyiko has been singled out for praises and on the strength of this has been applauded by members of the public who have spoken glowingly about the steps taking recently by her and her management team at the Jos Museum to but smiles on the faces of the Nigerian Child during this year’s Children’s Day.

A highly elated Grandparent, Mr. Onyema Onwubiko, who was on a visit in the City of Jos, captured his impression vividly, saying

"I thank the Jos Museum management for not only remembering the Nigerian Children, but calling them out and celebrating with them massively on their special day, in Jos". Continuing the highly elated Grandpa noted:

"If the Management of the National Museum Jos had issued a public statement only, in remembrance of the Nigerian Child, I indeed would have applauded them mightily for a job well done. To consider that they went as far as calling the Children out by involving the schools to bring them out to the Jos Museum on May 27, a Children's Day that happened on a Saturday tells you it was not an afterthought. I say kudos to the Jos Museum Management.

"In view of the above, I can say, this National Museum Jos, this public place, as a matter of fact is occupied and managed by real parents. 

"I mean it. It is run by real mothers and real fathers. It is only such people that will not find reasons to abandon these children on a day like this, their special day. 

"With the way things are in the country presently, if the Management of Jos Museum had said there is no money to put an event like this together, would you or anyone blame them?

"If they had put words on card board papers eulogizing the Nigerian Child, and had such pasted quietly at various points within the Jos museum premises as celebration of Nigerian children and did nothing thereafter, that for obvious reasons would have been applauded, but they went further. 

"They stretched themselves. I can say they went beyond the limits to pull this through. May the Almighty God visit them one after the other". 

The Grandpa reiterated his prayer for the management and staff of Jos Museum and others who contributed to make the 2024 Children's Day, a celebration with memorable positive impression and impact one the children and their families.

Before concluding, the Grandpa noted that he was not at the Jos Museum Children's Day event for any particular child, children or family, saying I have nobody here; none of my children, grandchildren, friends or neighbors children is here. As a matter of fact, I am here as a mark of honour and a show of solidarity for the Jos Museum Management. I am deeply touched by their display of humanitarian virtue.

When he was asked about his resident aread in Jos, he quickly informed Scoreline that he was in Jos on a visit from Lagos state.

Speaking to Scoreline, in appreciation of the Jos Museum Management, a young Mother Mrs. Rebecca Jonah, who according to her did not hear of the event early, at least before the event day, Saturday morning, but had to jump out immediately the information got to her to take maximum advantage of the opportunity the National Museum Jos created for her family and other families to give her children the fun they never would have had on this Children's Day if this event was not put together by the authorities of the Museum. I didn’t plan any event for them. "I can tell you it is not only the children that is having fun here, I am also enjoying myself. I have never been a fan of the museum, therefore, have never visited it, but could not resist the urge of coming here because of the need to give the children fun, but as it is right now I am the one that is even enjoying more than the children. This museum is a beautiful place to visit. I have gone to the 100 steps, the Zoo and monument train. There are still many more places and things to see. I am indeed the one celebrating the children's Day. Thank you Jos Museum for bringing out the child in me, Mrs. Jonah concluded.

Another woman Mrs. Sharon Joseph, who claimed it was her husband that got the information about this Jos Museum organized Children’s Day event says:

"I can say he practically dragged me here with the children. Ordinarily I am not cut out for events like this, but my husband will always snooze around and find out where it is happening for the Children and will take them for such events. 

"Initially, I told him I won't go out with them, which ordinarily would not be a problem to him, since he always finds much fun going out with the children, and still have time every other day to discuss extensively with them. But this time around he was so pissed off when I told him I won't join them. This new development surely got me wondering. 

"Later, he decided to hold a discussion with me and after a lengthy, intimate and what I now describe as a serious learning session with him, I became more exposed, and here I am a very happy mother enjoying the show. 

"Today is his and our first time visiting this Museum. He muted the idea to me on the need for us as a family to pay a visit to this Museum few months back but the enthusiasm was not there. 

"Suddenly, a friend of the family called yesterday to inform him about this Children's Day event put together by the Jos Museum. The passion that came with this news and the heat it generated between Friday morning and Saturday morning (today) have become a turning point for me. 

"The discussions I have had with some of the teachers I met here, lessons from the people that educated me about some of the museum objects as they call the things I saw, I now have a total new impression about myself, my role as a mother and mentor to my children and other children, and as a wife even. 

"I can say without mincing words that I now have a total new orientation about life generally, and the museum in particular. Somebody here has really enlightened me, and I can tell you my children have a lot to benefit from this new me. 

"The support my hobby, their father will receive from me henceforth, with regard to exposing this children and myself to lessons of this nature can only be imagined. 

"Jos museum has touched my life and my family. I don't know where else I could have received the quantum of knowledge I got today, and in the midst of fun with my family, celebrating the 2024 children's day, which for me is an education of sort. 

"I now know why it is the education unit of the museum that packaged this event. Jos museum is a huge untapped resource."

Scoreline joins the Jos and Plateau state residents to complement efforts of the management team of the National Museum Jos, led by Mrs. Bolcit Byanyiko in stepping out for the Nigerian Child and for the families as well. 

Scoreline also appreciates the Jos Museum management for her untiring efforts, unflinching desire and commitment to opening up the opportunities for various forms of partnerships and collaboration arrangements through her open door policy of welcoming willing and committed private sector individuals, groups and institutions in the pursuit of her institutional mandates and exhibiting demonstrable commitment to achieving them.




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