Friday 2 February 2024


By Nnabugwu Chizoba

“My good people of Isuikwuato, men and women, young and old are reputed for their cleanliness and are well respected for their knack to keep their environment very clean and will always maintain this record” Hon. Duncan Orji

Recall that the Abia state Governor, Dr. Alex Otti, recently reconstituted the Mobile Sanitation Court aimed at improving environmental sanitation condition in Abia state to check harmful environmental behaviours of some people.

In the spirit of the above, we decided to feel the pulse of Hon. Duncan Orji, Deputy Speaker Isuikwuato Local Government House of Assembly, who is also the Councilor representing the good people of Ezere/Ovim Ward. By virtue of his position as the Deputy Speaker, Hon Orji is representing the entire people of Isuikwuato Local Government Area in the house. For this reason, it will not be a surprise to see him speaking for Ezere/Ovim Ward and sometimes escalate his views for the entire Local Government area, especially on matters that are not confined to his ward alone.

During our chat with him, we sought his response about the recent release by the government of Abia state about the reconstituted Mobile sanitation court. The Deputy Speaker, Hon. Duncan Orji in his responses was not perturbed or evasive in anyway, especially when asked if operations of the court will affect his people unaware and lead to massive arrests arising from the inability of his people to keep their environment clean. His response was very swift:

“My good people of Isuikwuato, men and women, young and old are reputed for their cleanliness and are well respected for their knack to keep their environment very clean and will always maintain this record”.

“I am very optimistic that Isuikwuato people, whether they are prompted to keep their environment clean or not the culture of cleanliness is already in them. I do not habour any fear as I do not have any iota of doubt that the Isuikwuato people I know will comply with the sanitation law of Abia state”.

Refusing to be dragged into speaking specifically about the Ezere/Ovim Ward on the issue of cleanliness, he maintains that Ezere/Ovim Ward is in Isuikwuato that he already spoke about and insisted that Isuikwuato is not dirty. He claims that the ward he is representing cannot be short of cleanliness and he maintains that the LGA is clean. He said “I prefer a situation where you will go round the LGA to see things for yourself. He went further to say:

“I enjoin all Isuikwuato residents to maintain their record as people well-known with the culture of cleanliness”.” Contributing further on the issue, he noted that:

“The Mayor, Air Vice Marshal Onyike, Rtd is a man of cleanliness, who is ready to do everything within the law to ensure that the high profile of the LGA in the area of cleanliness and obedience to the law in every ramifications did not dwindle in anyway. His love for cleanliness is not limited to his office and the immediate environment of the Council, but to the entire local government Area.

“I am very sure that now that the subject of cleanliness and environmental issues are on the front burner by reason of the release by the state government, led by Dr. Alex Otti, my good people of Isuikwuato will go extra mile in their commitment to keep the state clean. I can assure you that Isuikwuato citizens wherever they are in the state will be outstanding on this matter”, he added.

Hon Orji however condemned those that deface the environment with their bad habit of parking their vehicle indiscriminately by the road side, and also cautions anybody by whatever status that may want to alter or undermine the sanitation of the LGA by any means and by any guise. He specifically called on motor park operators and auto-workshop owners to continue to maintain the high ranking profile of the LGA and in view of this desist from any actions that will affect the LGA negatively.

The Deputy speaker, Hon Duncan Orji went further to call on the residents of Isuikwuato to join hands with the Mayor, AVM Onyike and administration of Dr. Alex Otti to build Isuikwuato and Abia state and position both on the path of real success and sustainable development. He advised all to stop every action capable of reducing the status of Abia state as God’s own state, and reminded the people of the saying that cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Going further the Deputy speaker, Hon Duncan also warned those, especially the youths who may decide to toy with the law banning the movement of people during the monthly Abia state environmental sanitation exercise to do away with such an idea, insisting that the law will not spare defaulters.

Finally, Hon Orji urged the people of Isuikwuato Local government Area and Abia state residents generally to always obey the law and comply consistently with the monthly sanitation exercise. He noted that the law limiting movement of people during the state’s monthly environmental sanitation exercise demands total compliance from the people and enjoins them to comply totally. According to him:

“The people must therefore understand that no excuse for loitering about during the exercise will good enough, even our environment is not dirty that is why we away on our duty will not save anybody from the wrath of the law. The only way out is to comply totally”.


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