Wednesday 6 December 2023


Retired Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Chikwendu Onyike, and Hon. Harrison Anuke were recently in Umuahia, the Abia State Capital appointed Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively, of Isuikwuato Local Government Area, Abia State, by Dr. Alex Otti, the Governor.

The two Council appointees were sworn in with 32 others, 16 Mayors and 16 Deputies bringing the total number of Mayors and their Deputies to 34; covering the 17 Local Government Areas, Abia state. The swearing in ceremony held at the Michael Okpara Auditorium, Umuahia.

By the inauguration and swearing in ceremony, AVM Chikwendu Onyike Rtd became the Council head, Isuikwuato Local Government Area, and Hon. Harrison Anuke the Deputy.

Delivering his speech during the swearing in ceremony, Prince Uzor Nwachukwu, the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Abia state, indicated that the task before the appointees was huge. He was categorical when he said:

“It is the one desire of Governor Otti to bring together such high class individuals as Mayors and heads of the Local Government Councils because he has great plans for the LGAs in the State”.

If anybody had any doubt or reservation regarding the Commissioner’s statement on the calibre of appointees, surely that person was and cannot be from Isuikwuato LGA where the person appointed the Mayor and head of the Local Government Council is a retired Air Vice Marshal with outstanding pedigree. For Ndi-Isuikwuato therefore, it will be a surprise if there be a claim of undermining the LGA, instead the people are likely to praise Governor Otti, for honouring the LGA with the appointment of an illustrious Son of that calibre to man the affairs of the LGA.

Leaning on the Governor’s charge during inauguration of the Mayors where he said:

“Make the communities comfortable and conducive for accelerated development, and fish out the hidden talents in the rural communities”

Our Platform has held series of interactions with Umu-Isuikwuato, and therefore can reveal that the emergence of AVM Onyike as the Mayor of Isuikwuato LGA; and as a matter of fact the head of the Council has come with very high expectations from the people. Many of those we spoke to heave a sigh of relieve claiming that at least the leader chosen for the LGA annot be pushed around. They cited his status as a top military brat, though retired as reason for their claim. Following this development they conclude that the tenure of AVM Onyeke will lift the Isuikwuato LGA to a landmark level.

According to them, Isuikwuato LGA will be liberated to witness what they refer to as self-governing and self-defining moments in the life of the LGA. The respondents hold the view that this interface is necessary to achieving self-sustaining, self-sufficient, creative and exemplary standards required to position and catapult Isuikwuato LGA to prominence and enviable height.

Based on the above, the speakers drew the attention of not only the Mayor, AVM Chikwendu Onyike (Rtd) and his Deputy but all other staff of the LGC and the people of Isuikwuato LGA to the fact that the Nwanneukwus expect the Mayor to begin work immediately.

In the view of most of the respondents, the festive season provides a wonderful setting for the two Council officials to strengthen the structures for talent hunt that the Governor alluded to while addressing the Mayors and their deputies at the inauguration ceremony.

Fact is, most communities of Isuikwuato LGA are up with different programmes this festive season that target among many benefits, showcasing of the various forms of cultural identities of the LGA. The Otampa Cultural Day is one of such. 

These cultural and traditional activities have over the years not been properly coordinated, therefore, poorly handled as development Projects. They are more often than not treated by the Council as mere hobby of the people sort of, at most ordinary fun. The people expect that a change activation mode will begin now.

The Council is expected to reach out to communities through their leaders. The need for community engagement at this point can never be over emphasized. It provides opportunity for the Council leadership to first and foremost show her presence officially and widely to the people and the communities. 

Secondly it will help the council to evaluate and determine how she can participate and make input to the various cultural events, especially in the areas of documentation and packaging of the activities through collaboration between Arts and Culture Unit or department of the Council and the communities.

The above approach which underscores and promotes the Nwanneukwu slogan and Onye-aghala-nwanneya spirit is in tandem with the virtue that the entire Igbo race extol and strive systematically to epitomize as the guiding principle for her citizens.

While it is not expected that the tenure of the Mayor will resolve all problems of the LGA, Umu-Isuikwuato are hopeful that AVM Chikwendu Onyike (Rtd) during his tenure as leader, Isuikwuato LGC will strengthen local structures and raise sustainable frameworks for deepening of efforts associated with the following: 

  • Talent identification, skills development and employment generation
  • Combating insecurity and promoting citizens welfare and standard of living
  • Tourism development and promotion of the heritage and culture of the LGA
  • Increased Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) efforts for improved health care delivery and Disease Control
  • Improved Rural Market infrastructure and related activities 
  • Pursuit of Functional learning and Competency based education
  • Enhanced inclusion processes in the conduct of the above

 By Chizoba Nnabugwu

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