Tuesday 7 November 2023




7TH NOVEMBER, 2023. 

The RT. Hon. Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly,  

Honourable Members and  

Fellow Citizens of Plateau State. 


1. It is with great pleasure and honour that I present to this Honourable House the 2024 Draft Appropriation Bill that defines all Estimates of the Revenue and Expenditure of Plateau State. 

2. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members of the House, May I use this opportunity to sincerely thank you for the audience granted me to present the Appropriation Bill. Mr. Speaker, permit me to also use this medium to appreciate the people of Plateau state for the mandate that resulted in our victory during the last General Elections. We are indeed very grateful for the confidence reposed in us. We want to reassure you of our total commitment in the discharge of our statutory responsibility to the citizens of the state. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, you may also wish to note, that, this is the first budget to be presented to this Honourable House since inauguration. 

3. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, it may also interest you to note that, when this administration came into power, on May 29, 2023, it made an existing budget already approved and passed into law by the last assembly, which this administration adopted. 

4. Mr. Speaker, upon assumption of office, we inherited a striking workforce in the state. They were pressing home their demands for four months unpaid salaries. We immediately swung into action negotiations with the various unions to resolve the industrial disputes. 

5. Today, I am glad to inform this Honourable house that, the unpaid salaries and pension for state workers was cleared within the first 100 days of this administration and we are presently up to date with payment of salaries and pension. Therefore, I wish to acknowledge the understanding demonstrated by the various unions at that time and to equally thank the citizens of the state for their various intervention and support in that regard.  

6. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members of this House, before I present to you the 2024 fiscal year’s budget, it is most appropriate and important to give you the overview of the 2023 budget performance in summary for the purpose of assessment and appraisal. 

7. As stated earlier, the 2023 budget was a budget of transition prepared and presented by the immediate past administration. They presented to the Honourable house then, a draft budget estimate of One Hundred and Thirty-Nine Billion, Three Hundred and Fifty-Seven Million, One Hundred and Forty- Four Thousand, Nine Hundred and Eighty Naira, Thirty-Eight Kobo only (N139,357,144,980.38).  

8. However, after legislative scrutiny, the House approved and passed into law, the sum of One Hundred and Forty-Nine Billion, Nine Hundred and Fifty-One Million, Three Hundred and Thirty-Four Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety-One Naira only (N149,951,334,591.00). The amount consists of a recurrent estimate of Eighty-Four Billion, One Hundred and Fifty-Two Million, Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand, Seven Hundred and Four Naira only (N84,152,360,704.00) representing 56.12% of the total budget estimate and capital estimate of Sixty-Five 

Billion, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Eight Million, Nine Hundred and SeventyThree Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eighty- Seven Naira only 

(65,798,973,887.00) representing 43.88% of the total budget size. This amount indicates an increase of Forty-Three Billion, Two Hundred and Forty-Four 

Million, Sixty-Six Thousand, Nine Hundred and Forty-Eight Naira, EightyEight Kobo only (N43,244,066,948.88) over the 2022 total approved estimate. 

9. Permit me Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, to bring to your notice, that the transition budget was partially implemented by the immediate past administration and subsequently continued by the present administration when it took over on May 29th, 2023 to date. 


10. It is a known fact that, revenue is the key factor to any successful budget implementation and plays a vital role in governance as well as in the economic development of the state. As a government, deliberate effort was put in place to achieve the desired goal. To this end, all the revenue generating MDAs were mandated to synergise with the Plateau State Internal Revenue Service to tap all revenues due to the state, using new approaches and robust model to better the system.   

11. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, due to high rate of inflation, and depreciation of naira, as well as the dwindling statutory revenue allocation from the Federal Government, government was able to harness its Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) and other sources, including several interventions to complement the implementation of the budget.  

12. In an effort to strengthen the spirit of transparency and accountability in governance during the period under review, the total sum of One Hundred and Forty-Nine Billion, Nine Hundred and Fifty-One Million, Three Hundred and Thirty-Four Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety-One Naira only (N149,951,334,591.00), was projected to be generated from the following sources. 

i. Internally Generated Revenue (IGR): Twenty-Six Billion, Two Hundred and Forty-Two Million, Nine Hundred and Sixty-Nine Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Naira (N26,242,969,750.00) only. 

ii. Government share of FAAC: Seventy-Nine Billion, Seven Hundred and SixtyTwo Million, Eight Hundred and Eighty-Seven Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty-Three Naira only (79,762,887,553.00). 

iii. Aids and grants: Thirty Billion, Nine Hundred and Forty-Five Million, Four Hundred and Seventy-Seven Thousand, Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight Naira (N30,945,477,288.00) only. 

iv. Capital  Development  Fund  (CDF):  Thirteen  Billion  Naira  only (N13,000,000,000.00). 

13. Mr. Speaker, during the period, the total sum of Sixty-Five Billion, Four Hundred and Nineteen Million, Four Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Seven Naira, Seventy-Nine Kobo Only (N65,419,411,007.79) was generated in the first three quarters of the year (January – September). 


14. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members of the House, to ensure the smooth running of government programmes, prompt payment of workers’ salaries, pensions and gratuities as well as other benefits, government was committed to its principle of transparency and prudent management of resources during the period and this resulted to significant output in the civil service of the state. 

15. Again, to ensure that the lives of citizens and properties were secured, government in conjunction with security agencies adopted several approaches without compromise to maintain the relative peace being enjoyed in the state.  

16. During the period, the sum of Seventy-Two Billion, Fifty-Six Million, Nine 

Hundred and Eighty-Six Thousand, Nine Naira, Twenty-Eight Kobo 

(N72,056,986009.28) only was spend in the first three quarters of the year as recurrent expenditure out of the approved estimate of Eighty-Four Billion, One Hundred and Fifty-Two Million, Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand, Seven Hundred and Four Naira only (N84,152,360,704.00). The sum of Thirty- Nine Billion, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Five Million, Nine Hundred and Twenty-Nine Thousand, Five Hundred and Seventy-Four Naira (N39,825,929,574.00) and Forty-Four Billion, Three Hundred and Twenty-Six Million, Four Hundred and Thirty-One Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty Naira (N44,326,431,130.00) only was meant for personnel cost and other recurrent expenses respectively. 


17. Government spent the sum of Eight Billion, Two Hundred and Fifty-Six Million, One Hundred and Forty-Six Thousand,  Three Hundred and Fifty-Two  Naira, Twenty-Eight Kobo only (N8,256,146,352.28) to execute various capital projects in the first three quarters of the 2023 fiscal year (January –September) out of the approved estimate of Sixty-Five Billion, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Eight Million, Nine Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eighty-Seven Naira (N65,798,973,887.00) only. 

18. The approved amount was projected to execute critical projects that were either new, or on-going. Below is the sectoral allocation, 

i. Administrative Sector  –   N14,796,869,520.00 

ii. Economic Sector    –   N34,722,975,207.00 

iii. Social Services Sector  –   N14,032,653,260.00 

iv. Law and Justice    –   N2,246,475,900.00  


19. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members of the House, having given the overview of the 2023 budget performance, it is my singular honour and privilege to present to this 

Honourable House the 2024 budget tagged “The Budget of New Beginnings”, it has a total budget size of Two Hundred and Ninety-Five Billion, Four Hundred and Thirty-Four Million, Five Hundred and Sixty-Eight Thousand, Four Hundred and Sixty-Four Naira only (N295,434,568,464.00). This amount consists of a recurrent component of One Hundred and Fifty-Seven Billion, Five Hundred and Sixty-Three Million, Three Hundred and Sixteen Thousand, Four Hundred and Sixty-Two Naira only (N157,563,316,462.00)  representing 53.33% of the total budget size and capital estimate of One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Billion, Eight Hundred and Seventy-One Million, Two Hundred and Fifty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two Naira only (N137,871,251,992.00), representing 46.66% of the total budget estimate. The total budget size shows an increase of One Hundred and Forty-Five Billion, Four Hundred and Eighty-Three Million, Two Hundred and Thirty-Three Thousand, Eight Hundred and Seventy-Three Naira only (N145,483,233,873.00), over the 2023 approved budget. 

20. The budget is aimed at laying a solid foundation for the Peace and Prosperity of Plateau State. The vision and mission of the present administration is to intervene in the area of security, Agriculture, human capital development, public health, industrialization and aggressive revenue generation. 

21. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, as we are all aware that the state went through numerous challenges in recent years especially in the area of insecurity; it becomes incumbent on us as a government to intensify effort to curtail the ugly situation in the best interest of the state, so that citizens lives and properties can be secured. To this end, the present administration has designed several strategies in collaboration with security agencies to address the situation. However, citizens are encouraged to be vigilant in their respective domains and report any suspicious movement to relevant authorities for quick intervention. 

22. Again, Mr. Speaker, the intention and desire of this administration is to address the current infrastructural and human capital development deficit of the state within available resources. It will no longer be business as usual. All hands must be on deck to achieve these targets. 

23. Similarly, to ensure that government revenues are judiciously manage. The Plateau State Internal Revenue Service has been mandated to synergize and collaborate with all revenue generating MDAs to ensure accountability and transparency in all processes. By this development, citizens are therefore advised to as an obligation pay all their taxes to relevant authorities as at when due, to promote the spirit of team work in the system. 

24. To emphasize our determination and commitment in the philosophy of this administration, I wish to restate that the Time is Now Agenda will be anchored on the following: 

• Good Governance 

• Peace, Security and Justice 

• Revamping Agricultural Transformation 

• Education and Human Capital Development 

• Public Health, Environment and Mineral Development 

• Infrastructure and Industrialization and 

• Taxation/Resource Mobilization 

25. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, in our effort to carry citizens along, government has kept faith with the guidelines of the State Fiscal Transparency Accountability and Sustainability (SFTAS) and Local Governance Principle by conducting a stakeholder’s consultative forum in the three senatorial zones of the state. It is also important to inform this house that the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Medium-Term Sector Strategy (MTSS) is still key in the implementation of our budget to ensure that accountability and transparency is observed in governance.  

26. Having considered the plight and aspiration of the citizens, Mr. Speaker, I wish to state here that the implementation of the budget will be people-oriented, thereby impacting positively on the lives of the citizenry.  


27. In the 2024 fiscal year, government is projecting the sum of Two Hundred and Ninety-Five Billion, Four Hundred and Thirty-Four Million, Five Hundred and Sixty-Eight Thousand, Four Hundred and Sixty-Four Naira only 

(N295,434,568,464.00), to be generated from the following sources: 

i. Internally Generated Revenue (IGR). Thirty-Eight Billion, Three Hundred and Sixty Million, Eight Hundred and Seventy-Four Thousand, Nine Hundred and Thirty-One Naira (N38,360,874,931.00) only. 

ii. Government share of FAAC. One Hundred and Fifty-One Billion, Four Hundred and Twenty-Four Million, Five Hundred and Sixty-Six 

Thousand, Seventy-Nine Naira only (N151,424,566,079.00) iii. Capital receipt. One Hundred and Five Billion, Six Hundred and FortyNine Million, One Hundred and Twenty-Seven Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty-Four Naira only (N105,649,127,454).  


28. The recurrent expenditure in the 2024 budget estimate is One Hundred and FiftySeven Billion, Five Hundred and Sixty-Three Million, Three Hundred and Sixteen Thousand, Four Hundred and Seventy-Two Naira only 

(N157,563,316,472.00). The amount is to enable government finance the following:  

i. Personnel cost. Fifty Billion, Nine Hundred and Sixty-Six Million, Four Hundred and Ninety-Seven Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty-Five Naira only (N50,966,497,665.00). 

ii. Other recurrent cost. One Hundred and Six Billion, Five Hundred and Ninety-Six Million, Eight Hundred and Eighteen Thousand, Eight Hundred and Seven Naira only (N106,596,818,807.00). 


29. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, the present administration intends to embark on the implementation of critical projects that have direct bearing on the lives of citizens. In the light of the above, the sum of One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Billion, Eight Hundred and Seventy-One Million, Two Hundred and Fifty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two Naira only (N137,871,251,992.00), is projected for the fiscal year. The sectoral allocation is as follows:   

i. Administrative sector. Twenty-Three Billion, Three Hundred and ThirtyNine Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Nine Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty-Five Naira only (N23,339,659,445.00). 

ii. Economic sector. Eighty-Eight Billion, Six Hundred and Fifty-Six Million, Three Hundred and Seventy-Two Thousand, One Hundred and Eighty Naira only (N88,656,372,180.00). 

iii. Law and justice sector. Six Billion, Eight Hundred and Nineteen Million, Three Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand, Six Hundred Naira only  (N6,819,344,600.00). 

iv. Social services sector. Nineteen Billion, Fifty-Five Million, Eight Hundred and Eighty-Three Thousand, Seven Hundred and Sixty-Seven Naira only (N19,055,883,767.00). 


In the 2024 proposed budget, critical capital projects penciled for implementation are summarized under the following sub-sectors: 

30. Administration: The administrative sector has been allocated the sum of TwentyTwo Billion, One Hundred and Eighty-Seven Million, Eight Hundred and Eighty-Nine Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty-Five Naira only 

(N22,187,889,445.00), to finance both the ongoing and new projects in the 2024 fiscal year as well as to facilitate smooth running of government programmes in the state. This amount represents 16.06% of the capital estimate. 

31. Agriculture: To boost agricultural activities in the state, the present administration has earmarked the sum of Ten Billion, One Hundred and Eighty-Six Million, Five Hundred and Fifty-Eight Thousand, Four Hundred and Seventeen Naira only (N10,186,558,417.00), for this sub-sector. This amount is projected to intervene in the area of farming, acquisition of farm inputs, procurement of equipment and counterpart funding. This represents 7.38% of the capital estimate.  


32. Commerce and industries: To promote commercial activities in the state, government allocated the sum of One Hundred and Thirty-Four Million, Six Hundred and Sixty Thousand Naira only (N134,660,000.00), in the estimate representing 0.09% of the capital budget. 

33. Information and communication: In view of the important role information plays in governance in terms of information dissemination, this administration has allocated the sum of One Billion, One Hundred and Fifty-Two Million, Seven Hundred and Sixty-Two Thousand Naira only (N1,152,762,000.00), for the sector to fund its projects representing 0.83% of the total capital estimate.  

34. Law and justice: The sum of Six Billion, Eight Hundred and Nineteen Million, Three Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand, Six Hundred Naira only 

(N6,819,344,600.00), representing 4.96% of the total capital estimate has been earmarked for justice sub-sector for effective justice delivery and administration of justice in the state for the 2024 fiscal year. 

35. Science and Technology: To promote and facilitate the development of technology in the state, government allocated the sum of Seven Hundred and Seventy-Two Million, Two Hundred and Ninety Naira (N772,000,290.00) only, representing 0.56% of the capital budget. 

36. Land, Housing and Urban Development: In this sub-sector, government projected the sum of Twenty Billion, Six Hundred and Twenty-Seven Million, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Three Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Eight Naira only (N20,627,993,898.00), to handle the issues of land compensation, streets naming and housing projects in Plateau state. The amount represents 14.96% of the total capital estimate. 

37. Tourism, Culture and Hospitality: One Hundred Million Naira (N100,000,000.00) only, representing 0.07% of the capital budget has been earmarked in the 2024 budget for tourist activities in the state. 

38. Water, sanitation and energy: This sub-sector has been allocated the sum of 

Fifteen Billion, Nine Hundred and Eighty-Eight Million, Nine Hundred and Forty-Four  Thousand,  Four  Hundred  and  Eighty-Six  Naira  only 

(N15,988,944,486.00), representing 11.59% of the total capital estimate of the fiscal year. This amount earmarked is to enable government execute water related projects and programmes of the state, especially those that are tight to revenue generation (SURWASH, PEWASH, AFD etc.). 

39. Education: In view of the vital role this sub-sector plays in the society, this administration has passionately earmarked the sum of Ten Billion, Four Hundred and Ninety-Five Million, Six Hundred and Nineteen Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seven Naira only (N10,495,619,707.00), representing 7.61% of the total capital estimate.  The amount is to revamp all education related projects and programmes in 2024 fiscal year from Primary, Secondary to Tertiary Institutions. 

40. Environment and Minerals: Considering the hazards and other environmental effects caused by climate change in the lives of citizens, the present administration projected the sum of One Billion, Seven Hundred and Sixty-Three Million, Seven Hundred and Two Thousand, Eight Hundred and Sixty Naira only 

(N1,763,702,860.00), to mitigate the effects on the Plateau. The amount represents 1.27% of the total capital budget. 

41. Finance and economics: The sum of Twenty-Six Billion, One Hundred and Sixty-Nine Million, Two Hundred and Thirty-Five Thousand, Two Hundred and Seventy-Nine Naira only (N26,169,235,279.00), representing 18.98% of the total capital estimate has been allocated to this sub-sector to facilitate the implementation of government projects and programmes in the state, as well as to manage the resources effectively. 

42. Health 

To address health related issues of the state, especially projects and programmes that has direct impact on the lives of the citizens, the sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Fifty-Three Million, Eight Hundred and One Thousand, Two Hundred Naira only (N5,453,801,200.00) has been allocated to this sector. This represents 

3.95% of the total capital estimate. The amount provided in the budget is to procure drugs, equipment furnishing and renovation of health facilities. 

43. Works and transport  

The government has allocated the sum of Fourteen Billion, Three Hundred and Seventy-Six Million, Nine Hundred and Eighty Thousand Naira only 

(N14,376,980,000.00), representing 10.42% of the total capital estimate. The amount is to be utilized for the construction of roads in the state and to revamp the transport sub-sector in the 2024 fiscal year. 

44. Women, Youth and Sports: In this sub-sector, the sum of One Billion, Three Hundred and Twenty-Seven Million, Four Hundred and Seventy Thousand Naira Kobo only (N1,327,470,000.00), representing 0.96% of the total capital budget is earmarked to promote social activities in the state and also execute critical projects and programmes in the fiscal year. 

45. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members of the House, you may wish to note that the proposed budget estimate of 2024 is higher than the approved budget estimate of 2023 with One Hundred and Forty-Five Billion, Four Hundred and EightyThree Million, Two Hundred and Thirty-Three Thousand, Eight Hundred and Seventy-Three Naira only (N145,483,233,873.00), this is because the present administration is committed to implement a budget that could add value to the socioeconomic development of the state and better the lives of the citizens.  


46. MR. Speaker, Honourable Members, ladies and gentlemen, it is my singular honour and privilege to present before this Honourable House the 2024 budget estimate for your legislation. I sincerely hope that it will be given expedited attention. 

47. While appealing to Mr. Speaker and Honourable Members to peruse and deliberate on the budget, I look forward to your mutual understanding and cooperation in the speedy passage of the budget to enable us commence implementation in good time. I have directed all heads of MDAs to fully cooperate and comply with their various dates of budget defense and also to provide any relevant information that could facilitate the discussion. Indeed, your accelerated passage of the budget after all the legislative processes will demonstrate our partnership in the provision of dividends of democracy for our people. 

48. Finally, I wish to express my profound appreciation to, Mr. Speaker and the Honourable members for your time and kind attention on the occasion of this presentation. I also wish to thank you for the support I have enjoyed since the inauguration of this Honourable House. Once again, let me also sincerely thank the people of Plateau State for the overwhelming support I have enjoyed since assumption of office.   Let me reassure you that we remain committed and steadfast in our quest to reposition the State for Peace and Prosperity. Like I have always maintained Justice, Equity and Fairness shall continually be our watchwords.  

49. Having fulfilled the provision of section 121 sub-section 1 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) by reading the budget, it is now my honour to seek the permission of the Rt. Hon. Speaker and 

Honourable Members of the Assembly to lay before you the 2024 budget of Two 

Hundred and Ninety-Five Billion, Four Hundred and Thirty-Four Million, Five Hundred and Sixty-Eight Thousand, Four Hundred and Sixty-Four Naira only (N295,434,568,464.00), for kind consideration and passage into law.  

50. Thank you and God bless Plateau State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang Executive Governor, Plateau State 10th November, 2023.

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