Saturday 4 November 2023


Iyi Obiche: a beauty to behold

Otampa is one Community that is amazingly blessed with heritage and culture. The community is well-endowed in tangible and intangible heritage and culture, which presents huge opportunity for both the young and old in the community to tap into. This requires that they network and through creativity and innovation diversify efforts; build their skills, contact and relationships within and outside the community, and essentially raise sustainable structures necessary to tap into the area to take advantages of the opportunities that abound.

Some tangible Heritage sites in Otampa include:

  • iyi obiche
  • iyi igwo
  • Ugwuala, also known as down below

The above are natural spring water endowments divinely and uniquely deposited and strategically located in serene corners in Otampa where they are maintained naturally to flow uninterruptedly throughout the year.

Other wonderful tangible Heritages in Otampa are:

  • Isi Uzu
  • Okpuchukwu
  • Ezemogu site

The story of the encounters associated with authorities of the Nigerian Railway Corporation and Ezemogu, including the falling of a train readily come to mind, but are issues for another day.

The above mentioned are just few of the rich endowments of Otampa in the area of Heritage and Culture and by extension a large market for tourism. The identified and those not identified have potential for wealth creation through value additions.

In the area of intangible culture, comprising the Oral creative performance and none Oral creative performance, such as songs, proverbs, folklores, spoken words, myths and beliefs, legends, ideas, morals, laws, customs, habits, and values; Otampa is blessed. Fact is “Umu-otampa are richly endowed in Philosophical matters”. Same is true in none-Oral creative performance category, where Umu-otampa are not only specially gifted but are highly reputed in Dance particularly. 

Nnabugwu Chizoba


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