Sunday 22 October 2023



Surrender to the King of Kings


Peace Perfect Peace is peace that is not influenced by your situation or external factors. It is the contentment of heart that is not challenged by the situation that anyone finds himself/herself.

Some people go to church to seek the peace which they know without any iota of doubt elude them in their home, office, community, school etc. Some go to the bar, indulge in heavy consumption of alcohol and hopping from one party event to the other consistently seeking for peace. Interestingly, some of them that go to the bar regularly don’t even indulge in heavy consumption of alcohol, but find favour with buying and spending extravagantly on other people, not necessarily people they know or ever come in contact with. As far as this category of people is concerned, this is one sure way of seeking the peace that elude them. 

There are also those that have embraced other forms of drug, the type I have represented here as “harder drugs” in obedience to my belief that “alcohol”  is a hard drug” and that substances stronger that if should naturally assume well-deserving, flattery position of “harder drugs”. Like the aforementioned, consumers of “harder drugs" are frantically in search of peace.

Many are in the Church and like the aforementioned are headed to the bar, drink heavily, jump from one party venue to the other, change men, renew women, sleep from one small, medium and big hotels to bigger, large and larger hotels debasing themselves in several ways. The many years of indulgence in such acts not withstanding, they have not, are not finding and will never find peace. The reason is not far fetched. Something vital is lacking in their search for peace.

Finding that which is lacking, embracing and working with it consistently is the only thing that will restore in the seekers that which has eluded them. It is the same thing that will put them in a steady, relaxed and comfortable mood. This realization is important to living a peaceful life.

Working about with a skewed mindset, elevating what is wrong, undeserving and as a matter of fact misrepresenting the Christian faith in the name of going to church will never change the known truth and clearly defined position of the Bible on any issue, emotions and sentiments not withstanding. Your position or that of anybody on any issue will not suddenly tilt any erroneous behaviours, practices and falsehood as acceptable, no matter who is involved, the location and reason for such position. Going to the Church frequently, visiting prayer houses consistently and meeting on regular basis several prophets are good, but only when the motive and actions of the visitor are in tandem with the Bible. If the motive and actions arising from such visits are not in line with the Bible, fact is Peace will elusive to the involved.

Join the growing list of Men and Women surrendering to Him

That somebody identifies with the bar and drinks alcohol may be your reason, criteria or standard for measuring his/her Christian faith, rating and ascribing to him/her the identity of a non believer, a bad, evil person or sinner. Whatever it is that informs your choice position or conclusion, fact is the thing that offers the heart perfect peace is far from the ingredients that gave rise to your conclusion. 

Nobody’s woes will seize without doing the needful. Until the needful is done the problem of lack of peace will persist and the persons involved will continue running from pillar to post. 

You may then ask, what is the needful? 

It may not matter whether you consider the answer to this question as very simple or very difficult, however what is important is for you to do the needful. I urge you to treat this issue with the seriousness it deserves. having said this, let me therefore note that the answer is 

“Jesus Christ". He is Peace, the Perfect Peace”. 

Recognize, believe and accept that He is” and in the remaining days of your life honour and respect His position on any issue.

Without Jesus Christ, there is no Perfect Peace”. No one can have peace who does not embrace Christ. Seek the only Peace there is: Jesus Christ. Bring Him sincerely into your life. Do this with all your heart and with the determination to carry Him along and to let Him lead in every situation of your life. If, when and until you do, there is no hiding place for you and there is no peace in your life. Join the swelling rank of those that have sort and secured the Perfect Peace, and start the noble journey of infecting all your environment with Peace, Happiness and Joy.

When Stephen was stoned, he looked up, felt calm and was enveloped by joy and happiness – Perfect Peace. Many face less difficult situation than the one faced by Stephen, yet are unable to feel the level of calm he felt. This Peace continues to elude many people. Though this peace is not for everybody, but anybody can grab or have it. The only requirement to have it is to open ones mind to Jesus Christ and to do so in truth and in faith. Mind you, it does not require the approval or authentication of the Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist or General Overseer (GO), but you must do it sincerely from the deepest part of your heart. You must also be willing and truly committed, and rightly dividing the word of truth… 

Are you ready, are you willing to embrace and accept the Perfect Peace? 

Nnabugwu Chizoba


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