Saturday 28 October 2023



HRM Eze Mazi Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke

Knowledge and understanding of the time and season is critical. The new Eze Aro, HRM Eze Mazi Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke just released his policy trust document for Umu Aro in particular and the world in general. The loaded document extended gratitude to Umu Aro for confidence reposed on him and his assurances of not taking it for granted. He further listed his core areas of concentration with EHATS acronym. The recently crowned Eze Aro, challenged Umu Aro to rise and follow him is the MAGAI concept. His Majesty ended his powerful presentation by first urging Umu Aro to come forward with laudable proposals while calling on everyone to close ranks. His Majesty since after his coronation has been playing host to a number of Umu Aro and Non-Aros as the Palace has become a destination of choice.

Before presenting to you the document containing His Majesty's Pact with his people, we join Umu-Aro at this auspicious moment to say: Long Live His Royal Majesty, Long Live Umu Aro, Long Live Arochukwu Kingdom.

Please, read below the unedited and unabridged text of the Pact HRM Eze Mazi Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke, Eze Aro of Arochukwu Kingdom presented to Umu Aro, his people:


One of the marvellous things about Community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals. Our beloved Arochukwu Kingdom is therefore no exception as our desired product of the help will be driven by consummate integration of all Umu Aro and stakeholders which will in turn place us in global map. However true the above may be, it can only be achieved through reinvention and reinforcement of truth in all facets of our being while marrying it with equity, fairness, mutual respect, accountability, integrity and security of lives and properties. We shall invoke the power behind Helen Keller's time tested word that "alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much."

The crowning ceremony is ancient and its origin is veiled in the historical mists of the past, but the spirit and the meaning shine through the ages and more brightly now than never before. In sincerity, I pledge myself to the service of all Umu Aro and Arochukwu kingdom and I shall endeavour to be worthy of your trust. In this resolve, service to Arochukwu kingdom is my mission and my vision is to make Aro-Okeigbo great “again”. The strategic vision of making Aro-Okeigbo great again is rooted in our common interests:

MY VISION: "To place Arochukwu on global map through our people, for our people to the benefit of our beloved Kingdom."The maxim of going far together will be our anchor as opposed to going quickly alone. This vision is people oriented and you as Nwa Aro Okeigbo is involved for together we can forever.

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MY MISSION: "To inspire and drive our culture, consciousness, justice, development and security." My time as your 9th Eze Aro will witness the above. It's instructive to state that the villages are the grassroots of our cherished Kingdom from where we draw our strength. Towards the realization of our mission, peace, lasting peace must be paramount in all villages both in Traditional institutions and Developmental Associations and Unions. My understanding of achieving this is to build a Kingdom anchored on truth, justice, equity and fairness. The stability of our villages that will engender love, peace and security will now usher our Kingdom into National and Global reckonings.


Achievement of trust, peace and security will open the floodgates of unprecedented socioeconomic, sociopolitical and socio-cultural developments in Arochukwu Kingdom. Arochukwu is blessed with abundant human and natural resources and divinely positioned will amazing topography. The Aku Ruo Ulo philosophy and partnership with governments as well as Umu Aro at Home and Diaspora will be our centrepiece.

Am aware and let me appreciate our people for indeed driving developments and interventions in various areas of endeavour.

In Partnership with YOU (home and in Diaspora) as Nwa Aro, Governments at all levels (local, state and federal) our thrust of accelerated development in Arochukwu will be on.

I most respectfully introduce EHATS

  1. Education
  2. Health
  3. Agriculture
  4. Tech, Trade and Tourism
  5. Security.


Education is the bedrock of any society and the lack thereof breeds dearth of human resources, increases ignorance, insecurity and poverty.

I shall use my position through robust relationship with state government to improve and sustain funding of Abia State College of

Education (Technical) Arochukwu (ASCETA). We shall support and encourage well to do individuals to float various scholarship schemes in partnership with Nzuko Aro Leadership. The beneficiaries will be exceptional students, indigent students and Persons With Disabilities (PWD). No more shall an Aro child secure admission in government higher Institution and will be unable to fulfill dream and purpose. We shall partner with relevant vocation agencies and institutions with a view to training our youths in various skill acquisitions. The recent facility at ASCETA will be well utilized. We shall also encourage our adults to take advantage of part time education programs at ASCETA to enhance and upgrade their academic profiles while encouraging professionals at home to take up part time teaching and lecturing jobs to impart knowledge and skills.


It's trite that health is wealth. May I salute and appreciate the current interventions in health in our Kingdom by well meaning Umu Aro both at home and Diaspora. The likes of Aro USA, Passionate Elderly Care Initiative, PECI, J&T Foundation and dedicated Health Centre at Amuvi as well as interventions at General Hospital, Arochukwu. You're all responsible Aros and worthy Ambassadors. Nde Aro is proud of you.

I will use my office to support you by attracting more fundings and goodwill to expand the health services in our Kingdom. Partnering with governments especially at State and Federal level aimed at attracting more presence will be sustained. With you, our people will have access to quality and accessible healthcare. Furthermore, given the biting hardship occasioned by bad economy, we shall also focus on harnessing our professionals with a view to introducing Mental Health Management. This will help in areas of depression and suicide cases.


Agriculture is a constant among Aros. Am glad we are seeing some level of investment by our people. Umu Aro will be encouraged to think more and invest in mechanized agriculture and agro industries. Actions are in food processing. We shall partner with governments through Umu Aro for government to create the enabling environment and necessary waivers to attract investments here. This will create employment, reduce criminalities, open economic windows and transfer of wealth back to the Kingdom. Already, some calls I got after my crowning indicate that many Umu Aro are interested in this area of investment and industrialisation. We need to create a self reliant Kingdom that attract others to come and do business with us.


Technology and Information Technology is the mainstay of global economies. We shall encourage this by having Tech hub in Aro first by tasking our youths to go acquire requisite knowledge and expertise and also by appealing to our Umu Aro to bring their businesses back home. We want people to beat a path to Aro to resolve their Tech issues. We have abundant market by reason of our strategic positioning in Abia State and neighbouring States. Having dedicated Tech Village with your support will help in rapid advancement, job creation, reduction in addiction to banned drugs/substances and other vices as our youths will be mentally and physically engaged.

The success of the Technology Village will enhance Trade across business lines to the advantage of Arochukwu. The multiplier positive effect will be influx of people into Arochukwu which will increase government revenue generation, create opportunities in property business with commercial buildings and increased tempo in construction and building materials business. Certainly, Aro will be better for it.

Tourism is job creator, revenue earner and growth indicator. We have many untapped tourism potentials in Arochukwu Kingdom. I will partner with ALL stakeholders to drive 21st century Tourism rebirth. It will suffice to mention Arochukwu Waterfall, the Ancient Palace, Alvan Ikoku home among other. The labour of our heroes past shall not go uncelebrated.


Umu Aro ibem the above thrust will remain a mirage if there is no commensurate security to guarantee investment and tourism. Adequate security is the bedrock of the above lofty plans. The Eze-Aro-In-Council can't achieve anything on it's own especially in area of security. The Ogos and Nzuko Aro will be first line of focus. To achieve desired level of development in Aro, recall that all interventions in education; tech, trade and tourism; and agriculture are meant to create jobs and ensure available means of livelihood for our young men and women. Statistics shows 80% of crimes are committed by young adults and youths within the age brackets of 16 and 45. Therefore, keeping them busy will reduce the number already involved and drive down the prevalence rate.

We shall support the following actions to stem the tide of criminality:

  • Convocation of Security Summit;
  • Restructuring and support of Arochukwu Kingdom Neighbourhood Watch;
  • Adoption of Community Policing Concept;
  • Enhanced and sustained relationship with relevant security Agencies;
  • Capacity building program on security for early enlightenment on security among secondary school students.

Dear Bekee mbu, the task of repositioning Aro, restoring our dwindling image and perception as well as sustaining trust is enormous but together we can pull the trigger and mutually share in the joy of our successes. The joy of the future is nothing compared to the current hardship. We can collectively conquer our common fears and enemies and mount on the rostrum of achievements. I need you; We need you and Arochukwu Kingdom needs us all . Please arise and be counted on the positive side of emerging history.

May I therefore announce the launch of Make Aro-Okeigbo Great Again Initiative” (MAGAI). This initiative shall be realized through the five agenda vision of “EHATS”.

On this note, I call on everyone offended in one way or another to please sheath your sword, place Aro Okeigbo first and join us in brightening our desired future because that's where we intend to live. Let's press forward and not look back in distraction.

Additionally, I call on our professionals at home and abroad to begin to think Aro. We welcome your thoughts and actions aimed at driving developments in Aro. You will always have opportunities to present your papers and proposals for consideration. This is time to rise and be counted. Let shared patriotism and selflessness be our pillar.....all above self.

The holy book enjoined us not to be weary in well doing for in due time we shall reap if we faint not (Galatians 6:9) ..... Umu Aro may we never faint.

Many thanks to you all and please accept my warm and esteemed assurances as I remain yours in the vineyard of service to Arochukwu Kingdom.

_“Nwa Aro icho, nkpo-ola icho !!!”_

HRM Eze Mazi Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke

9th Eze Aro of Arochukwu Kingdom

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