Tuesday 24 October 2023



This picture has nothing to do with the story

A story was told about a Military General who was to inspect a battalion of soldiers lined up by some officers who were waiting with them to be inspected by the Man of the moment, the Man on top, the Army General, the General Officer Commanding (GOC).

Of interest particularly is the fact that the troops were waiting for the arrival of the General under the rain. While the military officers waiting with the troops in the rain wore raincoat, the troops wore none, and on account of this were drenched heavily by the rain.


At the appointed time as it is for every thing under the earth, the Almighty and long awaited General arrived the venue of the military assignment, and was as expected set to conduct the inspection.

Soon after the General's vehicle pulled up and he stepped out and about to head to the inspection ground for the purpose of inspecting the troops, he suddenly retreated into the car having sighted the troops soaked heavily by the rain and the officers protected by the raincoat they wore.

Dear reader, if I may ask , "heavily" too.

From the narrative so far, you can if I request of it put your finger up easily and at least guess

What do you think is the reason the General pulled back soon after alighting from the car?

Rather than keep your guess secretly to yourself, let me pause for a while here and give you the opportunity to share with the rest of the house your thought as to why the Man on top could pull back in such a manner.

From the stories you hear about the military formation and their Generals, let me at this point ask:

Is it a common experience, I mean to say a usual occurrence for a General to suddenly pull back in the manner he did and for whatever you think is the reason he did so?

Please note: your contributions will help us to consolidate on a matter that we are following and determined to ensure that equity, fair play and balance are maintained and seen to have applied in concluding the matter.


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