Friday 29 September 2023


The “Network for Advocacy and Good Leadership Initiative (NAGLI)” strongly condemns the derogatory and misleading description of the Igbo tribe as invaders and troubleshooters in the book titled "Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 (JSS 2)," authored by Sola Akinyemi and published by Fatsoholy Ventures. This misrepresentation in “page 38” is not only offensive but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and undermines the principles of inclusivity and unity in our nation.

NAGLI firmly believes in promoting national cohesion, respect for diversity, and the eradication of prejudice in all forms. It is disheartening to see such biased and discriminatory content being disseminated in educational materials, especially those approved by the Nigeria Education Ministry under the watch of the Minister of Education and other relevant bodies. 

The Igbo tribe, like other ethnic groups in Nigeria, has a rich cultural heritage and has made significant contributions to the development and progress of our nation. Labeling them as “invaders” and “troubleshooters” is not only factually incorrect but also undermines the values of fairness, equity, and unity that NAGLI strives to uphold in Nigeria. We therefore call that the book be withdrawn from use in our schools at all levels.

We call on the author, Sola Akinyemi, and the publisher, Fatsoholy Ventures, to issue an immediate apology to be published in all national media, for their insensitive portrayal of the Igbo tribe. They must rectify this misrepresentation and take responsibility for the harm caused by their words. We also urge them to review their editorial processes to ensure that future publications are free from bias and prejudice before future use of the educational resource.

Furthermore, we call on the Federal Ministry of Education to recalibrate and conduct a thorough investigation into the approval process of this book. The Ministry must take appropriate action to prevent the dissemination of inaccurate and discriminatory content in educational materials. We implore the Minister of Education to collaborate with State Ministries of Education to address this issue promptly and ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future.

NAGLI remains committed to promoting inclusivity, respect, and understanding among all ethnic groups in Nigeria. We stand in solidarity with the Igbo tribe and all those affected by this misrepresentation. We urge individuals and organizations across the nation to join us in condemning such harmful profiling and working towards a more united and harmonious Nigeria, as deaf ears to these demands could throw Nigeria into crisis and anarchy.

Mazi Dr. Kanu Agodi

Director General NAGLI

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