Friday 1 September 2023



The choices you make surely have consequences. I refer to the consequences as the fruits of the choices made.

Among those reading this piece are the young and old. Whichever of the two categories you belong or fall into, one thing is certain, your choices have consequences. Some consequences come immediately, some are delayed.

I know some old people who suffer today due to the choices they made when they were young. I also know some people who suffer in their young age as a result of the choices they made few months back. In this case the choice they made did not stay long for the consequence to visit them.

Similarly, many old people I know are enjoying their life due to the choices they made years back. Same holds true for some young people who are enjoying their life due to the choice they made.

Dishonesty, heavy alcohol intake and illegal or illicit drugs consumption, rape, armed robbery and sexual promiscuity are actions that result from the choice of people.

On daily basis you, me and others struggle with decisions that make or mar friendship with some family members, and others. Career, business and very importantly too, the  SPIRITUAL LIFE of some people are destroyed by their own choices.

Every choice like the ones mentioned above have their fruits when they more often than not produce.

  • Do you know the fruit of your choices?
  • Are you really sure that you know the fruits of your choices?
  •  Are you prepared to live with the fruits of your choices?

Before I sign off, I just want to draw your attention to the fact that divine guidance always available to all who truly seek for it. The fact remains that the Almighty Lord desires that people seek and follow His directives, you in particular. I know the choice is yours, I also know that choices have consequences or fruits that result from them, but what I surely do no know is what choices you have made, just as I do not know the next choice you are going to make.

BOOM SHOT: For Your Growth and Sustainable Development Need

Nnabuguw Chizoba

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