Wednesday 26 July 2023


The experience of import on local products in
some places

A story was told of a Man who went shopping, to acquire or buy a brain. In his shopping, he discovered that there were four different brains up for grabs. 

Having counted himself lucky to have found the brains to exchange his hard earned money for, he engaged the brain seller, a young and elegantly dressed, well mannered, slow talking, nice and serious looking dude, who took his time to give him detailed information about the stock available for sale. 

The brain seller in his naturally humane and very humble disposition, carefully responded to the enquiry made by his customer: the brain buyer, who had in the early stage of his enquiry, informed him that he was in his shop to buy the best brain. 

Straight away the brain seller presented his facts about the four available brains, and drew attention of the buyer on the following issues specifically, saying:

** The first set in the category of brains available is from the country that invented the aeroplane, the satellite and the rocket. 

** The second set the brain seller noted, is from the country that invented the videos, radios and televisions. Other items invented by the second category of this brains are the telephones and stereos.

** Continuing, the brain seller informed his customer that the third category of the brains available for sale belongs to the country whose citizens are reputed for building of outstanding bridges and tunels, airports and very beautiful road Networks, and the trains also,

** The fourth set of the brains, the seller noted is from a country that has never invented anything for herself.

Very important to note about the fourth category of the brains is the fact that the country of its origin, neglected it deliberately, or abandoned it, as it were unintentionally, or an admixture of both, hahahaha.

The thinking above stems from the fact that the said country has always (more often than not), invited foreigners to do the smallest of things in the country. Such things include essentially, building of toilets, bridges and construction of roads, furniture and fittings. The same is true with manufacture of such items as the toothpicks and toilet rolls.

In addition to the above, the country's elites enjoy imported items more, and derive extraordinary joy and comfort in eating foreign foods, in wearing foreign clothes, shoes, hair do and finger nails. Most of her citizens prefer speaking in borrowed or foreign tongue. 

After hearing from the brain seller, the buyer demanded to know the price of each category of the brains. With this in mind, the seller noted that the first three categories are easy to buy, cheap to maintain and therefore, affordable. However the last category, the one that has not invented anything for itself was difficult, very expensive and almost not affordable, because of the multiplicity of encumbrances associated with the purchase and maintenance of it, the seller explains.

The buyer was shocked to the bone marrow, seriously weakened and highly disappointed, and is wondering why it is should be so. 

Please, dear entrepreneur and esteemed reader, do you think that the shock as expressed by the buyer is well founded,in which case, it can be considered as real and genuinely made? 

Why do you think the last category of the brains: the one that has not invented anything is so difficult and even very expensive to acquire and maintain?

Let's learn from you...

We roll

Nnabugwu Chizoba


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