Friday 30 June 2023

The Pains Of Life: Living Without A Mother.

Late Mrs. Nnabugwu Iheomakaliwu Asije
She was her Bible and her Bible was her

One of the deepest pains in life, is to live without constantly experiencing that great bond that binds mother and child together, and the sad thing about it, is that it is not easy knowing the depth of the pain, except one is put in that situation.

These past twelve months have been the worst of times for me, because the only person whom I had idealized as a woman made not of flesh and blood, but of little crystals of perfection passed away creating a vacuum which can never be filled.

Since her departure a year ago, life has become so lonely, if we can have another chance of spending some more years with you, no moment will pass by without us celebrating you, because of the unique and special place you occupied in our lives.

You are the mother like no other, who doubled as a biological mother, as well as a spiritual mother.

Mama, it is a deeply rooted pain that you are no more, thereby making life seem as something that is fading away.

As our biological mother, you loved deeply, you cared, you sacrificed, infact you gave us your best.

Then as our spiritual mother, you taught, you showed us the way to eternal life, you foresaw so many things before they happened. Long ago, you told me that God assured you that I would serve Him, and kept reminding me of it till your death, today I'm a Pastor.

You showed everyone that God exists, making it clear by the exemplary life you lived.

Your firm trust In Christ made you discard drugs/medicines and for almost five decades, you did not take or administer any medication.

To show that God is faithful, you remained very strong till the ripe old age of 101.

I recall today, with nostalgia, your favorite Bible quotation, which will guide all of us your children through out our entire lives - Proverbs 24:10. "If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small".

These super human, who gave birth to us, also manifested her spirituality, on the day that she passed on.

30th June 2022, I lay down to sleep, an afternoon rest indeed,  at the time of the sleep, I dreamt of being taken to a phone shop, and also being encouraged to be very active on the social media, especially Twitter, because of its many benefits, can't really remember the special benefits mentioned in the dream, but a little while after that, I saw that Onyekachi Aguocha was trying so hard to reach out to me.

Kachi, trying to type messages to me via Twitter, and at the same time dialing my phone number. I reasoned in my dream that the network could be bad, because, he wasn't coming through, and at last, when he eventually came through, it was by phone, and I enquired from him, "what was it that you had struggled so hard to tell me" ? Kachi replied that he didn't know exactly how to tell me. His answer alarmed me a great deal, because the only thing that can make him confused as how to pass a piece of information to me couldn't have been anything else, other than my mother.

I became worried and demanded to know about my mother's welfare, but Kachi only fumbled with words as I went on to ask about other people until he went off the line.

I prayed that nothing would happen to my mother. This dream was like a real life experience, so clear and real, that I decided to send Kachi a text message.

Date: 30 - 06 - 22.

Time: 6:35pm

Hello Kachi, how are you today? I assume all is well. Am I right to say that I perceived strongly a situation where you tried reaching out to me with some difficulty. Network or so, don't know. But you were not forthcoming with the message you wanted to pass across.

Kachi's reply.

Chinwo, ndewo!

How are you, family and everything? 

We are well and thankful to God for life and living. Yeah, I wanted to call and sympathize with you on the passing of your step brother. I also thought you would be around for his funeral.


Date: 30 - 06 - 22.

Time: 6:45pm.

My elder sister, Mrs. Ifeyinwa Mcfarlene called and told me that Mama had given up the ghost.

Date: 30 - 06 - 22.

Time: 9:16pm.

By Nnabugwu Chinwoke 

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