Friday 5 May 2023


Mr. Yashim Victor, Country Director,
Jah Put Ah Hand

Structures, in particular, local ones are considered in several quarters as the foundation for meaningful development, in both the developed and developing nations. However, structures raised after series of engagement meetings with relevant stakeholders of any proposed idea, project or investment, where the promoters seek to identify, understand and underscore the peculiarities of the people and the uniqueness of their environment, and at the same time secure their buy-in before taking the plunge, are most likely to thrive, and in an exceedingly sustainable manner. Projects that the promoters lack the courage to deploy not only the financial resources but also the capacity to withstand  the huddles, rigours and tensions associated with the series of stakeholders engagement meetings, hardly attain remarkable results.

Similarly, engaging widely rather than narrowing the options drastically to as a matter of fact concentrate efforts deliberately on a skewed population, (for whatever reason), has apart from slowing efforts in the long run, proven inimical, counter productive and stifling, leading severally to what some segments of the Nigerian society more often than not describe, classify or refer to as sudden death, unprepared closure or hasty exit of what was ordinarily regarded and qualified as well funded, heavily invested and highly staffed projects, organizations and outfits.

To escape from the well known, and avoidable calamity always waiting to occur if the right thing is not done,  eg: appropriate stakeholders not attracted and properly engaged, and in the right number, and  synergy clearly established, Mr. Yashim Victor, the Country Director, Jah Put Ah Hand (International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) has deliberately set out for the implementation of his all encompassing, self-imposed policy put together by him to reach out, engage and secure first hand information about the real challenges faced by the major stakeholders operating in the areas of his intervention. Specifically, the target of the effort is to identify the actual  difficulties, if any that the stakeholders encountered with the implementation of both previous and on-going intervention efforts by co-international NGOs and/or other development organizations locally, including the government funded projects.

Recall that we already reported on your darling Platform that Jah Put Ah Hand, is an international NGO with huge interest and very large appetite for the growth and sustainable development of the Agriculture sub-sector of the Nigerian economy. 

Some participants (representatives of 7 states in Nigeria with the Country Director), at one of the Stakeholders Engagement Meetings 

In that report we informed you that an elaborate stakeholder engagement meeting was held by Mr. Yashim Victor with people that represented various clusters with interest in agriculture and agriculture related. The attendees of the stakeholders engagement meeting include representatives of communities from the 17 Local Government Areas (LGAs), in Plateau State, and many of the representatives of the consistently growing list of Business Membership Organizations (BMOs) that are located and operating in the state, especially the ones that have, in particular, well established leadership structure at the different LGAs. The Leadership of the women Groups, and also that of the  Persons-With-Disabilities (PWDs) were also in attendance.

The pictures below capture some of the stakeholders engagement meetings. It is important to note the categories and calibre of people that the pictures specifically reveal... 

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