Monday 8 May 2023


At the Naraguta/Bauchi road
accident recently 

The incessant autocrash in some parts of Plateau State, particularly, Polo Roundabout, Zakaliyo Axis and most recently Naraguta/Bauchi Road area that has resulted to multiple deaths and injuries, waste and destruction of property worth millions of Naira is a major concern for everyone, particularly residents of Jos North local government area. Every now and then, large number of people lose their lives or become permanently injured due to autocrashes. Numerous others have been forced to start life afresh, while suffering in abject poverty and penury have become the lot of some of the people affected by such crashes. This report condemns in totality the menace and suggests ways to curb it.

The likely causes of the already disturbing high rate of autocrashes in the focused area, as in other places of the state and the globe generally, are reckless driving, over-speeding, drunk driving, poor road conditions and inadequate vehicle maintenance. In some of the cases, the drivers of these vehicles are unlicensed or have fake licenses, while in other cases the drivers are licensed but unfortunately are disfigured by virtue of their being underage. These factors contribute to the high rate of autocrashes in the affected areas and the society generally.

The immediate implication of autocrashes is the loss of lives and injuries sustained by the casualties and victims. The long-term implications are the impact on families, the economy and the society. Families lose breadwinners and loved ones, while the economy suffers from the loss of productive citizens. The society is also affected by the psychological trauma caused by the menace.

To curb the menace, there is a need for a multi-stakeholder approach. The government needs to invest in road infrastructure, enforcement of traffic laws and driver education. Vehicle owners and drivers need to take responsibility for their vehicles and adhere to traffic laws. Similarly, issues relating to the health condition of the drivers should also be of huge interest and paramount importance to every party considered necessary in curbing the menace. The Nigerian society, in particular residents of Jos North local government area, in various ways needs to support the volunteer humanitarian organizations, especially the Jos North Division, Nigerian Red Cross Society in her committed and consistent efforts to create awareness about the dangers of reckless driving, over-speeding and drunk driving, and following up on the relevant public sector authorities on the need for improved condition of the roads for enhanced safety of life of the people through drastic reduction in auto-crashes in the roads. 

Jos North Division Nigeria Red Cross Society on duty during the Naraguta/Bauchi Road Accident 

The government should enact policies that promote road safety and enforce strict sanctions for traffic offenders. These sanctions should include steep fines, suspension or revocation of driver's licenses and imprisonment for repeat offenders. Vehicle owners should be mandated to ensure their vehicles are roadworthy, and drivers should be required to undergo regular medical and psychological evaluations.

Authorities concerned must step up efforts in their bid to ensure that the rising spate of people clustering near the roads for commercial oriented activities is discouraged, and laws against such implemented. 

At the Polo Roundabout

The benefits of public compliance with road safety regulations are numerous. It will reduce the rate of autocrashes, thereby saving lives and reducing injuries, as well as ensure that property losses through road crashes are reduced if not totally celiminated. Additionally, it will lead to a reduction in healthcare costs and economic losses, as well as promote a culture of responsibility and accountability among road users.

The incessant autocrash resulting in multiple deaths and injuries, in the focused areas in the Jos North area of the Plateau State capital is a menace that requires urgent attention. The government, vehicle owners, drivers, and the volunteer humanitarian groups, and the society at large need to work together to curb the menace. Compliance with road safety regulations is vital for the safety and well-being of all road users.

Caused by the Polo Roundabout Accident 

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