Saturday 22 April 2023


Table dominated with the local cuisines

If you don't take food as drug, the only option is to take drugs as food. The choice is yours...

After a very memorable hiking experience... it's dinner time. 

The latest arrivals in Jos Plateau State, as the discovering Plateau Project continues, are relishing their experience. As the momentum keep gathering, and the experience keep building and growing, while  more and more are left to be done, according to the tourists, who're already shouting waaaooo! 

The WAYFARERS: the lead hiking group in Nigeria, don't seem to have the word stop in their dictionary.

After having the best hiking experience ever (in their own words), the guests were treated to a sumptuous dinner, with the touch of the hospitality of the locals.

You want to know what the menu was... 98% the local food. Plateau the beautiful...

Stop salivating... Items in the menu are not running out of stock. Prepare for your own visit. Tell the story of your experience after. 

Remember, Plateau State is the Home of Peace and Tourism. 

 Let the pictures speak...

Visit Plateau State before you exit the earth... 

No one does it better than the WAYFARERS. Formerly registered in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), saddled with the responsibility to registrater bodies like the WAYFARERS and other organizations, for example companies. 

Keep visiting, keep reading us. Of a truth, we can't appreciate you enough.

Nnabugwu Chizoba

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