Sunday 29 January 2023



Wisdom: A participant of the BEE Awareness Workshop, 
and one of the emerging but leading tailors in Nigeria. 
He is a member of the leather and Apparels Sector

In a previous publication on this platform, I made reference to Business Enabling Environment (BEE) awareness workshops, yours truly facilitated in a European Union (EU) funded but German Development Agency (GIZ) implemented Project: Nigerian Competitive Project (NICOP). As clearly pointed out in the said publication, the beneficiaries are members of the Value Chain (VC) Associations that NICOP in Plateau state covered. The VC Associations are the:

  • National Tomato Producers Association of Nigeria (NATPAN),
  • Plateau Leather and Apparels Sector Manufacturers Association (PLASMA) and
  • Ginger Farmers Association.

The workshops, took place towards the end of the year 2021. The year 2022 has gone. Very soon your darling platform

will embark on impact assessment of the Project and the report will also shared with you, dear esteemed reader. I promised to bring on board details of the Project, lessons to the business community and Nigeria’s development generally. The idea is to extend the reach of the rich lessons of the Project, create more beneficiaries, and raise more awareness on the importance of the project, and equally sensitize more Nigerians about opportunities that can accrue from the Project, to enable more Nigerians and even the participants deliver more results from the lessons of the Project.

The hunger to widen the reach of the lessons of the GIZ’s development activities, in Nigeria, is borne out of concern that the country and her citizens are not tapping enough from the huge investments and opportunities that GIZ Projects are creating. This is the spur for this present initiative. It is our earnest desire that more Nigerians, far beyond the direct beneficiaries or participants of such projects will take advantage of the opportunity that this Platform is bringing to find a new direction and better their lot in life.

Development and economic activities are our major focus. The MSMEs and the private sector activities generally are the focal point of our reportage. We will be strengthening and brightening the opportunity for the MSMEs to thrive and for those intending to go into business to do so with increased chances of success: increased income, enhanced wealth generation and job creation abilities.

Rural and semi-urban areas will be attended to. Efforts will be made at bridging identified information gap, existing presently at the rural and semi-urban areas. The knowledge and skills that the GIZ is always throwing up, will be spread to them. MSME oriented Networks that target among other structures the rural and semi-urban centers will be raised. Structures similar to the Business Development Committees (BDCs), Business Enabling Environment Committee (BEEC) and the Value Chain Associations are needed in the 36 states (BEEC), and 774 local government areas (BDCs), in Nigeria. We are quite optimistic that our platforms, which include a dedicated radio station for enterprise and development activities, tagged “SCORELINE ENTERPRISE AND DEVELOPMENT RADIO (SENDER) will serve the purpose of improving the situation of the MSMEs.

Yours truly and Wisdom, a workshop participant
from the leather and apparels 

GIZ’s efforts at building the capacity of both public and private sector actors and providing information for the purposes of increasing the knowledge and understanding of both about their roles and how they can work together to raise a formidable MSMEs entrepreneurship eco-system. Efforts at achieving this can be gnarred from the various activities of the GIZ geared towards building the capacity of the two inseparable parties (Public and Private sectors) to Network effectively, seeking opportunities where the  engagements widens the scope of each party, triggering improvements: horizontally and vertically.

Aware of the theory of critical mass advantage, this platform is leading a massive movement where the rural, semi-urban and urban areas even; will be repositioned to do exploit. With this movement in mind, I can say with excitement that the development package tagged: One-Local-government-One-Product (OLOP) designed long ago by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (SMEDAN), will pick life, and through the movement receive a boost that will add fundamentally to the collective quest of Nigerians to grow economically. If OLOP is resurrected today, the economy will witness heartwarming economic changes, with visible improvements, on critical indicators of growth and development. Any committed, sincere and keen observer and follower of GIZ activities in Nigeria will unreservedly support this platform to expand and deepen the lessons of the GIZ in Nigeria’s development efforts.

I note particularly, GIZ’s deep commitment in the areas, such as Project structuring, programming and implementations. We consider these issues crucial and critical to sustainable development efforts. There is no doubt that opportunities abound in Nigeria for both the Private and Public sectors, to translate the on-going hues and cries of Nigerians, substantially into a reliable economic development blueprint, with the capacity of lifting the country out of the dungeon of aid dependency, to a self-reliant, self-sustaining and self-sufficient economy. With the quantum of work that GIZ thorough the Germans, development experts from other countries, and Nigerian professionals have done, in Nigeria, this is a doable project.

The realization that most citizens, including MSME operators, startups and numerous others, intending to go into business may never have the opportunity to come in contact directly with the level of capacity building the GIZ offers, is one major push behind the decision to bridge this gap through this platform. Aware also that large portion of those that have participated in GIZ programmes may not have attached the importance, interest and commitment deserving of the quality of capacity building they received from a highly reputed development Agency that GIZ is, equally necessitated the creation of this platform to move the lessons into the society.

We are convinced that without committed efforts between You and Us, to spread and put to work the profound lessons of the several GIZ workshops, trainings and conferences, including the Public Private Dialogues (PPDs), Nigeria’s economy may remain comatose, the downward slide continues, and the woes of the people linger and largely unabated. Increased commitments to learning, spreading lessons learnt beyond workshop, conference and seminar participants; and putting to work such lessons remain the acceptable currency to building a sustainable economy, in Nigeria.

Nnabugwu Chizoba

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