Tuesday 10 January 2023


One of Nigeria's sumptuous delicacies.
MSMEs take note. Set your goals  

Let me start this piece, notifying my esteemed reader, that goals, which stand for what the MSMEs (comprising the individual entrepreneurs and the firm or enterprise), strive to achieve, the reason for going into business. In a nutshell, goals are what the MSMEs target to achieve in their bid to obtain the best possible result from converting inputs into more valuable end products and services, or useful outputs/results. The usefulness, particularly, quality or value of the end products and services, is determined by the consumer, who among other things, takes into consideration, the extent the goods and services will meet the need, or satisfy the desire that prompted the consumer going for the said goods and or services. Avoidance of waste and cost reduction, as production principles, are usually among the major factors that are taken into cognizance when determining effectiveness or otherwise, of the conversion process, leading to the production of the goods or services.

No attempt, will be made at any point in this piece, to draw any distinction between goals, objectives, and target, purpose, mission and vision. I have represented them as one and the same. Goals as used in this work, stand for the end points: outcomes, results, and or outputs that MSMEs work hard to produce in the bid to satisfy the need of the customer. I do this clearly aware that distinctions exist within or among the already identified end points. As a matter of fact, I am in the know that reputable authorities abound in the area.

My objective at the moment, is solely, to identify each of the end points, in a loose or passive manner, and at a later date treat each of them individually and in details for better understanding, ease of applications and enhaced impact for the MSMEs operations and activities. 

Done with the explanations, but before proceeding further, with the discourse, I feel the need to draw attention of the MSMEs, on the requirement for them to ensure a separation of their personal or individual goals, as a business owner(s), from the goal of the enterprise. This is a major requirement, the norm rather than exception, and the starting point for the success oriented, impact driven and sustainability influenced firms. It is the practice, of the well established, properly structured and effectively run businesses. The benefits are huge. Thus, a basic requirement for enterprise development, and a vital ingredient for deepening MSME operations. 

Part of the benefits include: heightening of the demand for a firms goods and services, remarkable increase in both sales and production volumes, higher income from sales exchange, increased profits, business expansion and the engagement of more hands, either by direct employment as salary earners, or indirectly, as contract workers, earning wages, for the work they do, services rendered or other contributions they make for the success of the enterprise.

Putting the knowledge to work, knowing and understanding the dynamics clearly, and reviewing approaches consistently at different levels, stages and situations,  and coping effectively with the trends that emerge, are critical determinants, to what an enterprise becomes, either in the short or long run. 

Our Director of Conscience and 
Spiritual Development (late).
She led a fulfilled life. All her life, she
supported goal oriented activities 

Separating the business goals, from the personal goals of the business owner or owners, puts an enterprise or the business outfit on the path of realizing its status and operating as an entity of its own. The strategies, other essential steps, and processes, procedures, and frameworks, vital to achieving the noble objective of creating an entity, separate from the individual owner(s) of a business, will be discussed keenly in a later publication on this platform. These yet to be discussed factors, are in the spirit of business considered as among the fundamental requirements for starting, nurturing and growing enduring businesses.

Until this break is achieved, there is a functional, on-going, consistent and very active default line, obviously inimical to putting a business on a sound footing, and running it successfully, to the point where transformational and sustainable results, are attained regularly, in a well documented, and replicable manner. Part of the devastating effect, of not having a clear distinction between the business goals and the owner(s), is the fact that the entrepreneur as business owner or operator, will tug aimlessly, in the midst of confusion and frustration. The effect to any enterprise/business is multi-dimensional. Again, let me assure,my esteemed reader that the details of this will be treated in a subsequent publication.

Finally, I wish to draw attention of the MSMEs to the effect that no enterprise that is not effectively positioned, to pursue deliberately the collectively agreed goals of the enterprise, will witness the calm and ease of operations that pervade immediate environment of businesses that are built and managed based on collective goal-setting agenda, devoid to a very large extent, of the vested interest of the enterprise members. 

It is this level of attainment, supported with well defined roles, structures, and indeed, clear rules and regulations, and a carefully designed reward system that is implemented transparently across board that can produce and deliver regularly and profitably. Hence, my humble submission that goal attainment, like all other lifestyle designs, is based on massive action, for the true benefits to be achieved.

Nnabugwu Chizoba 

Happy New Year from 

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