Tuesday 15 March 2022


Age is not a barrier. She saves life

Sudden fall, also known as: Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA), is a medical emergency that has become rampant in Nigeria, going by the frequency of occurrences, in the recent time. OHCA is revealed by a loss of mechanical cardiac function and the absence of systematic circulation. According to the Medical and Health professionals, each second that passes, when OHCA occurs, the possibility of a good outcome decreases. 

It is identified that most cases of OHCA occur outside the hospital, and the survival rate in Nigeria, is very low, and many out of the few people that survived OHCA, end up disfigured, even when they occur at homes. OHCA, also occur at work place, markets and sporting arenas, religious centers and other locations that human beings visit or gather, and carry out their activities.

School Unit in action 

The above notwithstanding, most OHCA  cases end in Death, even before they got to the hospital, and most of the survivors are guests of incapacitation. Yet the medical experts has repeatedly noted that Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), is key to the survival of OHCA patients.

According to them, CPR increases the chances or possibility of surviving OHCA,  by two-to four-folds. This is my focus.

What is CPR? CPR is a lifesaving technique, aimed at keeping blood and oxygen flowing through the body, when a person’s heart and breathing have stopped (experiencing heart attack). It is a skill based emergency intervention effort performed on a person when there is a heart attack, that is, when blood flow to the heart is blocked, but the person is still conscious. 

Resuscitation, is an action that if skillfully delivered, swiftly addresses life threatening cases, to improve chances of survival. 

 Junior Unit. Very useful in the community 

What is the goal of CPR? The primary goal of CPR is to keep blood flow active, until the arrival of a medical personnel, or the patient is taken to a medical facility, for a proper or professional medical attention.

Who performs CPR? CPR is performed by a trained skilful person, who deploy their capacity to preserve life and keep intact the brain function until further measure is carried out to restore normal blood circulation and breathing.

Where can one acquire the skill of CPR? Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, is one of the fundamental or basic lifesaving skills that go with First Aid. The Nigerian Red Cross Society, graciously offer CPR skill to her members and volunteers (including the School Units and Junior Units) and through the  various commercial first Aid trainings, she organizes from time to time. 

From the brief report above, and personal experience of not just the writer but numerous others, it is a fact that the skill of CPR, is relevant, in the management of sudden fall/Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. 

To say that Sudden fall/OHCA, is not only rampant, but growing at galloping rate is a fact. Similarly, that OHCA, results to death, and sometimes complications leading to incapacitations to those affected/victims, is common knowledge. 

What many people may not know, as a matter of fact, is that some of the deaths, complications and incapacitations caused by OHCA, are preventable. 

Some of the complications that sometimes lead to incapacitations, and disfiguring of the casualties, largely occur, according to medical professionals/experts due to late assistance, improper first aid: lack/or poor delivery of CPR. It is therefore not only unfortunate but disheartening that, CPR is still a luxury in Nigeria, even among adults. 

Children in other climes use CPR easily, to save lives. Many OHCA cases in Nigeria, occur where the children are many, and in most cases they are always helpless. 

The rising number of people that Nigeria is losing due to sudden fall alone, is enough reason, for all Nigerians to embrace CPR and support the rejigging of School Units, and Junior Units in the schools and communities, as a clear demonstration of commitment to saving the life of citizens. 

Other nations are benefiting from their children's intervention in sudden fall/OHCA cases from First Aid skills of their children, Why not Nigeria? Lend your voice...

Nnabugwu Chizoba

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