Tuesday 1 March 2022



Monumental results attain efforts that are reinforced. Similarly, actors that work hard to attain remarkable results, are most likely to be in high spirit, and inspired to do more, and even surpass existing records notably, if appreciated and rewarded appropriately, MSMEs/Entrepreneurs, inclusive.

Achievement recognization, celebrates and dignifies the achievers, attract other people to what they do, and inspire more people to achieve.

... Nnabugwu Chizoba.

The simple deduction from the above is, more heartwarming results are likely to be achieved in any environment where there is guinune love, commitment and purposeful action, targeted at providing the necessary human and material resources, required for carrying out tasks/assignments, e.g. tools and raw materials, and also celebrating the actors and reckoning with their successes and achievements regularly.

Consistency, commitment and coverage, in the effort to recognize, especially, the work of achievers, in particular those whose act of ingenuity, creativity and innovation lead to job creation and wealth generation, skills development, economic diversification, etc, are as a matter of fact, fundamental to the growth and sustainable development of an economy.

The Nigerian masses in their large number, must not only develop interest, but become very passionate, active and knowledgeable enough to conduct personal and collective enquiry, inspired by the need to seek and at the same time ascertain in a nutshell what and whose activities are or will most likely open up the Nigeria's economic space, and enhance the country's opportunity to throw up an elaborately, diverse and sustainable gainful jobs and job creation opportunities.

The opportunities search, should also seek to identify the activities that are capable of tapping generously, into the 'Can do Spirit' of Nigerians, and ultimately galvanize their efforts massively towards rebuilding the already battered and near comatose local economy. 

When they do, the obvious will happen, and as many as embark on the search will find out that the MSMEs and indeed the private sector hold the ace to resolving major part of Nigeria's economic challenges, in terms of poverty reduction and improvement in the living standard of the people and other related issues. 

As a matter of fact, the masses will identify, from their search, something impressive, the inter-relationship between the MSMEs and Nigeria's economic development and sustainability efforts, and in an objective manner assess their role: individually and collective, in terms of lending their voice massively in demanding for policy changes, support for improvement in infrastructure, and encouragement of entrepreneurs, etc.

As things appear presently, economy wise, in the country, it is tempting to concede to the fact that any meaningful effort targeted at rebuilding the economy, will for obvious reason tilt towards seeking and identifying possible opportunities that will lead to the emergence of:

  • Several wealth generation activities,
  • High income yielding businesses,
  • Job creation activities, especially at the rural and semi-urban centers, 
  • Skills acquisition/development activities,
  • Financial products and Financing options,

The reader, is through this platform invited to lend their voice in favour of programmes, projects and any other activities seeking in brief: policy reforms, financial support, and infrastructure development, for the MSMEs, and private sector development as a whole. 

There is no likelihood, in the near future of the emergence of new skills, new products and services, and new markets, that will have monumental impact, on the economy without genuine efforts, commitment and deliberate programmes to encourage, build and deepen operations of the MSMEs, and generally the private sector of the Nigerian economy.

Keep reading us, the migration journey and economic transformation effort is on... 

Nnabugwu Chizoba 

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