Monday 21 February 2022


Worthy of note, in our march to reposition the MSMEs in Nigeria, is the fact that not withstanding the level, degree or volume of business activities and transactions, or the perceived contributions of those we have classified as enterprising people (the micro business operators), in Nigeria, we wish to note that it is the entrepreneurs that build the base for real economic development.

Another very important issue to underscore in the efforts at redefining, redesigning and rebuilding the collapsing Nigerian economy is this: 

Without creating jobs, the operators of the business entities are known as enterprising people not entrepreneurs.

Taken cognizance of the above, Belford and Scorelines have identified the need to migrate willing, but hardworking, talented and committed set of the present Nigerian Micro enterprise operators, from their real status as enterprising people to a position of better results and more impact to the Nigerian economy, as entrepreneurs.

Out to make a huge difference in the market 

We are not insinuating or suggesting in any form that the enterprising people and their business activities are not essential to the growth and sustainable development of the economy of Nigeria.

Similarly, our position is not intended to belittle or undermine the contributions, to the Nigerian economy, of those classified as enterprising people. Far from that. We sincerely applaud their contributions. As a matter of fact we consider their efforts not just impressive but praise worthy, and in recognition of this wish to underscore their collective achievements to the economy as huge and heartwarming.

This clarification notwithstanding, we are quick to say, and on a note of certainly that the contributions of the focused group are not good enough to create the magnitude of impact that will lift the Nigerian economy from position of aid dependency to economic self-sufficiency.

Without moving the enterprising people in mass, to the position of entrepreneurs, self-sufficiency, massive job creation, wealth generation and tremendous reduction in poverty  level will remain mere oxymoron in Nigeria, for at least quite a long time. 

Out to make a huge difference in the market 

The reason for this assertion is not far fetched. Worthy of note, and indeed very fuundemental too, is the fact that:

"it is the entrepreneurs that create jobs". 

It is the entrepreneurs that by their actions throw up massive economic opportunities, and in doing so stir activities that open up the economy for many people to tap into, ache a living, and contribute meaningfully to the economic growth and sustainable development of themselves and others in the economy. 

This assertion explains succinctly why the Entrepreneurs are reputed highly, not just for their enterprising activities but as:

"Job creators". 

Remarkably, the entrepreneurs create jobs that are more than their number, that is to say, they create jobs that are by far in excess of the number of the entrepreneurs that create the jobs that many  people in the Society benefit from or enjoy.

This understanding is vital to every MSME, in Nigeria. It is important to the startups, as it is to the would be business persons, those still contemplating to take the plunge into business. 

It goes a long way in shaping their thinking and in particular in helping, especially those of them that are yet to decide to do so early in their business carear: whether they want to end up as Enterprising people or make the necessary sacrifices and take the leap, and migrate into the shoes of job creators, as Entrepreneurs and become celebrated as such. 

Keep reading us, the migration journey and economic transformation effort is on... 

Nnabugwu Chizoba 

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