Friday 18 February 2022


In case you're among those wondering why our mandate in this platform in 2022, is to migrate micro business operators, who we referred to in our posts in the recent time, as enterprising people, from this status to entrepreneurs, we are happy to address the issue.

While few, many or most entrepreneurs, in your vicinity or other locations, may have started as enterprising people, they anyway, by far, engage in more than enterprising activities, and in the long run, arrived at their present status as entrepreneurs.

The above assertion therefore, should not only arouse, but raises the challenge as to whom you refer to as an entrepreneur, and who the entrepreneur truly is.
Please note: 

Through persistence, keen interest and focus on doing the right things and doing them consistently (not doing things right), some enterprising people at the end, complete the cycle and migrate to where they earn the status and deservingly are accorded the recognition as entrepreneurs and the pillar of strength that they truly are.

As people at the heart of change, they, the entrepreneurs struggle very hard to put up with several degrees of frustrations, catch up with series of demand notices, urgency driven contract calls, and very crazy supply or delivery deadlines that are required, and expected must at all times be carried out with precision, efficiency and effectiveness.

Even when in reality most the above, are done or conducted as last minute reviews, and sometimes with the speed of light, the fact is, the feedback that goes in exchange, apart from being required to meet very high standard, of being creatively inspiring and engaging, more often than not, must be unique, accurate, timely and reliable. They must address the need that gave rise to them. 

Courtesy, sincerity of purpose and wisdom demand that tact on the part of a business owner is a regular currency and expediency a paramount consideration in fixing a date for contract delivery, otherwise one can be confronted with litigations that in some cases are capable of frustrating owners of business, forcing them to close shop, in which case continuity of said business is not only threatened but sealed permanently 

Convinced that some degree of composure, skill and assertive disposition, considered here a go-between technique and effort, a sort of guiding principle, cautiously and painstakingly designed, to be deliberately and consistently carried out and evaluation processes and procedures systematically instituted, carefully/properly monitored and constantly put in check to avoid unhealthy conflicts in some cases and at other times, crises of very high magnitude, most of the enterprising people never make it to the point where they become entrepreneurs.

The skill, commitment, and hardwork; the insight, courage and the ability to deny self some immediate gratifications, to lay in the present strategic steps and ensure that the right things are done, and that the business operator is not cofined to performing only the enterprising activities, that they would be limited to if they do nothing to enhance their skill and ability to manage challenges operating at the level of the entrepreneurs impose on them, are seriously lacking in most business operators.

The skills, as partly identified and captured above are as already noted, lacking in most especially the Micro Segment of MSMEs, in Nigeria. It is in a view to bridging the gap by providing the opportunity for achieving the goal of migrating the enterprising people to the status of entrepreneurs, and in the bid to put in place an appropriate and supportive private sector structure that will ensure  properly coordinated views, ideas and opinions, and in doing so shape their thinking and business orientation, through informed analysis, interviews and writings.

Promotion of the activities of successful MSMEs, and others whose stories serve as useful guide to inspiring needed attributes, skills, and confidence in those focusing their learning, at building themselves from the inside, and strengthening their practice through committed efforts at avoiding the mistakes that those before them made, are some benefits coming from this platform.

Belford and Scorelines are keen at raising the tempo of activities targeted at throwing up approaches necessary for repositioning the MSMEs in 2022, for job creation, wealth generation and economic diversification. 

Keep reading us, the migration journey and economic transformation effort is on... 

Nnabugwu Chizoba 

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