Friday 25 February 2022


In almost all our publications this year, we have consistently re-affirmed our decision to migrate willing Micro business operators to the status of entrepreneurs. The idea as we already established, is to move them from their position as mere enterprising people, to a position where it is increasingly more expedient for this segment of the MSMEs to offer more to themselves and the society, create more impact and greater value to the economy.

This vision underscores not just the need, but of course, importance of a Business Enabling Environment and the role it will play in making the MSME sub-sector in Nigeria, to become an organic part of the economy, playing the vital role of a trigger, multiple economic activities creator, and job generator, as well.

In view of the foregoing, we are  leading a process of re-building the local, Nigerian economy, driving it from our own corner, where we have carved a niche for ourself in the areas of business/entrepreneurship development, sustainable local 
economy restructuring and rebuilding, and human capacity development.

Out to make a huge difference in the market 

Based on our area of specialty, and a bias for MSMEs growth and development, we are deliberately spicing our activities with genuine commitment and informed inputs, targeted at throwing up many businesses and markets, credible support structures, sustainability driven business strategies, and strengthening of linkages, inspired by a vigorously pursued agenda, centered on making a huge difference, in the MSMEs and the economy of Nigeria.

Massive information and Data gathering,  accurate generation and dissemination of news items, releases and special spot on outstanding performances by businesses and individuals, groups and communities, and regular updates on emerging markets, favourable financing facilities for MSMEs, and other support services, necessary for MSMEs to grow and develop sustainably, are some of the attractions and benefits on this platform.

The expected outcomes of the activities of this platform include:
  • Value reorientation, 
  • Skills development, 
  • Private sector development, 
  • Increased patronage and consumption of locally produced goods and services,
  • Enough production for Massive Export,
We are deliberate in our contributions and efforts, and very confident of the "Can Do" Spirit, and unwavering commitment of the average Nigerian, to good works, reason of which, we are very keen at increasing regularly, the quantum of benefits that can accrue to others from our common   efforts, individually and collectively.

We are therefore, committed to changing the series of discordant tunes, emanating from different segments of the society, loaded with ugly narratives, about the ugly and dwindling state of Nigeria's economy.

We understand vividly, our responsibility to the economy and the role we must play in making the society to appreciate the role of entrepreneurs in the overall efforts to develop the Nigerian economy. We are constantly aware of the huge material and human benefits that will result from the activities of entrepreneurs when the right things are done.

Effective mobilization of both human and material resources, unflinching search for newness and active demand for not just policy reforms, but changes involving the provision of appropriate infrastructures, raising suitable institutios, and paying due consideration to various components of the society, for equitably distribution of any available infrastructure, with regard to locations and industry sectors. The idea in essence to empower the MSMEs, grow the Private sector and ostensibly develop the Nigerian economy, by positioning the MSME subsector and making the private sector generally active and able to provide the economy with:

  • Massive lucrative job opportunities,
  • Functional skills and competency based learning opportunities,
  • Opportunity to grow local industries, 
  • Opportunity for massive and extensive deployment of local raw materials, 
  • Widely spread economic activities,
  • A diversified industrial sector,
  • A well developed and decentralized, rural and Urban centers, located businesses,
  • A solid base that serves as the driver of high traffic commercial activities,
Put succinctly, this platform is dedicated primarily to building a strong foundation  for the Nigerian economy to thrive. 

This vision above is so dear to us. For this reason, we call for genuine commitment, massive support and collaborations at all levels. We do this very much aware that these are not only required, but key for the attainment of growth and sustainability in the economy and development generally.

Our efforts and contributions, essentially is to arouse the interest and commitment of both Private and Public sector actors, prompting, especially, the private sector actors, MSMEs inclusive, to take decisive actions, such as developing Advocacy messages, Advocacy plan and embarking on Advocacy visits, to relevant MDAs, to advocate for both policy reform and amendments, and to press for effective policy implementation.

Keep reading us, the migration journey and economic transformation effort is on... 

Nnabugwu Chizoba 

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