Friday 21 January 2022


Dearies, recall that in earlier publication, two attributes of the MSMEs that operate under the Micro segment were raised. Apart from representing Micro business operators as enterprising people, you were told they run their business as "One Man Show". 

In a later publication, we noted that most of the MSME operators that reached out to us through phone calls, confirmed that the "one man show" attribute associated or ascribed to them is real. From the east, west, north and south of Nigeria, the story is same. Male and female Micro business owners exhibit that as a trait. They operate as one man show. 

Speaking with the MSMEs that called, and numerous others we interacted with on face-to-face, one-on-one, and group by group basis, we sort to know plausible reason they exhibit the trait that most of them, without reservations professed is self-destroying, and a business killer.

The responses we received from the questions we posed to them, the feelings aroused, as clearly shown in their faces,  and ultimately, the deductions we made, and the conclusions, as to the plausible reason many MSMEs are run as a "one man show" are enriching, mind blowing and eye popping, interestingly revealing, informative and educating.

A reasonable number of our respondents, blamed "what drove us into business", as responsible for the trait found in them (running their business as a "one man show).

We have classified into 5 categories their responses. We present them below:

  1. Pressure to achieve personal goals
  2. Vested interest and the fear of it
  3. Autonomy seeking and control
  4. Displacement or disruption of life
  5. Bitter experiences of other people

Dear esteemed reader, does the submissions above make sense to you?

Please, do well to share with us in the commentary box, what you think is responsible for that trait found in most of the Micro business operators.

Do also shade light on what our respondents feel is the cause of the said trait.

Moving on, we recall very quickly the axiom: A problem identified is half solved. Learning from it, we say thank you to all the respondents. First and foremost, we consider their representation, a glaring indication of the desire for change, a sort of turnaround, viewed by some people as desiring improvement/transformation.

Whatever your choice of word is, it is important we note that we used ours in a particular direction and for one purpose "pursuit of multiple job creation", which is the fundamental reason for striving to achieve our self-imposed mandate of the year 2022, that is:

"To migrate micro business operators: enterprising people, to entrepreneurs"

Having made our position clearer, let us also deposit here that the submission of our respondents above is an indication that the Micro segment of the MSMEs, needs an urgent intervention to deepen its role and position it effectively in the Nigerian economy.

We also add that the submission of our respondents above, has equally indicated the extent of work, degree of attention and commitment, level of collective work required to erect the right structures for building a sustainable entrepreneurship eco-system, essentially vital to raising a formidable base for the economy.

Keep reading us, the transformation and migration journey is on... 

Nnabugwu Chizoba 

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