Sunday 12 September 2021

NIGERIANS, ISN'T THIS WORRISOME...Suicide increasing: 37 in 2020, 51 in 2021. Won't you help to check it?

Dearies, as the world celebrates "Suicide Prevention Day", let me draw your attention on the need for you to be more caring and loving; and equally demonstrate understanding, willingness and commitment towards other peoples emotions.

It will do the society a whole lot of good, if you decide to show a little more concern, and dig deeper than you have always done, by committing to identify what people wish to communicate, or are trying to communicate that they're unable to. 

Yes, it is a fact that people cheat, back stab, and wrong others in so many ways. Yet it is not enough for you to carry on with life that people out there are out to cheat you. Fact is, some of the people you castigate strongly, and hold grudges against, have gone very long way to assist you, sometimes in ways that they're not telling. 

Another fact is that some people will stop at nothing to cheat and undue you. Some have positioned effectively to ensure always that you are down. There are among them, those who rejoice in your pain, happy when you make mistake, and are very generous, indeed hardworking in their commitment to tell the story of your mistake or downfall, in a manner that they paint black, yet pretend to be caring, loving and kind to you... Saints of course.

The above not withstanding, people like that deserve your pity. Please give it to them generously. As a matter of fact, join the league of those that condemn with love. Even when you are angry, pained and hurting, please, strive so hard to avoid speaking in anger. Similarly, understand that it is unhealthy to debase, humiliate or disgrace people, even those that have wronged you badly. Whatever it will take you, don't disgrace people.

In case you're still wondering why you should do that, it is simply because the repercussions of their actions and in-actions are heavy enough and already dealing very big blow on the culprits. The pains they face are huge. Their pains are great lessons to them, their acolytes, and you too. 

Forgive and offer them genuine support, not because all of them will appreciate it and love you. Some may even work harder to see your down fall. They do that simply because that is who they are. They lack what you have. Pity them...

As a matter of fact, some of them will surely appreciate your kindness and love extended to them, but this is not even the main reason you should forgive. Please note, the greatest route to healing, is forgivenness. It does  not matter how painful and hurting the situation was.

Interestingly, those who are sensible, mature and courageous enough to decode and embrace the lifeline you gave to them, if they work hard, will turn the lessons of their inglorious adventure into a positive energy, and create breakthrough opportunities for themselves and others. 

The longer people are ostracized, the higher the chances of extinction by committing suicide.

Nnabugwu Chizoba

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