Sunday 27 June 2021



Teq Table

In our earlier publication on Teqball, we presented a brief account of the game that is gaining ground very fast in Jos, the Plateau State Capital, and enjoined you, our esteemed reader to continue following us for updates and more insight into the game. We’re keeping to our promise.

We take cognizance of the sacrifices you’re making for us to be alive on this Platform. Your unquantifiable contributions to our growth and development, are appreciated, and immensely too. We do not take them for granted.

When we requested in this platform that you continue to follow us, we made that request aware that we will be updating you with information about Teqball and other interesting developments. We’re back, settle down, and enjoy some details about the game that Plateau state is presently ranked N0 1, in Nigeria.

Click this link for previous publication on Teqball:

Teqball is represented at the international level by the International Federation of Teqball, also known as FITEQ. In Nigeria it is represented by the Nigerian Teqball Federation, shortened as NIGTEQ and in Plateau State by Plateau Teq Association, referred to as PLATEQ.

Teqball game is played in singles, doubles and mixed doubles. When it is played by two players who play from the opposing sides, the game is referred to as singles. Similarly, Doubles, implies two players of the same sex (two males or two females playing from each of the two opposing sides of the table). This entails four players playing at the same time. In the mixed Doubles category, which is similar to the Doubles, to the extent that two players play on each of the opposing sides, differ in terms of combination of players. Mixed Doubles, involves combination of both sexes (a male and a female), playing as a team on each of the two sides of the table.

Note that Teqball, is played in different formats that include: Indoor, Outdoor and Beach game. Equally important to note, is the fact that Teqball is designed and played based on the recognition or combination of the principles of two highly reputed sports that are in existence long before the creation/emergence of Teqball.

Click this link to watch Teqball Practice - Rwang Pam Stadium

Interestingly, the two sports on whose strength and principles this new game is built have massive followership and large crowd pulling capacity. The two sports, are Football and Table Tennis. 

Similarly, the two major objects/equipment used by the players of Teqball, to display their skill of the game are the same used in the game of football and Table Tennis: Football and Table. 

The two objects/equipment (football and table), are present and actively deployed in the game of Teqball.

Are you still wondering why the game of Teqball is growing very fast in Jos, the home of football and other sports?

With the combination of the principles of football and Table Tennis (Ping Pong), and the deployment of Football and Table, you can be very sure that something very huge is around the corner.

Keep following us...

Nnabugwu Chizoba

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