Wednesday 7 October 2020


COVID 19, Pandemic has unveiled new normal, and if you like to add, new abnormal. Among the things it unveiled are lock down and forced school holiday; that continued after lock down was lifted, in Nigeria. The forced school break is revealing the unprepared, ill-equipped and weak capacity of families, in the hallowed call of taking care of children of school going age. The rising incidences of rape and other forms of crime against, and perpetrated by children of school going age are common knowledge.

Very quickly, let me point out that this piece is not about the rising spate and incidences of crime. Peoples outcry against increasing cases of banditry, kidnap, armed robbery, murder and others are already in the public domain. What the people await is what and how the law enforcement agencies will exterminate or curtail drastically the already very bad situation. Before then, the lawful thing the commoner is expected to do is to volunteer what the authorities have always tagged relevant information. Whatever it means, remains subject of major debate that may never end anytime soon. I say this aware that in most cases, it is not the exhibit, or the crime that is relevant, but the personality of the criminal or the reporter.

My attention in this piece is totally on a different thing. Please journey with me on this ride.

Each time, I watch Parents rant, shout, hit, beat and complain bitterly about the school not resuming so their wards go back to school and allow them to rest, I shrink, quiver and almost burst out, but have always restrained myself from doing such, instead, watch in awe, and thereafter go into deep thinking… Go back to who?

Please answer me, does the Society, especially the one I belong to, value the Teachers, the School and education? Governments at different levels in Nigeria, more often than not, proudly and generously dole out figures, as it pleases them, revealing huge financial provisions and at other times, high sounding and multiple digits expenditure incurred to procure arms and ammunitions, to equip the various formations of the security and law enforcement organs, but neglect the schools, the teachers and their classrooms.

I am an ardent and unrepentant believer of the fact that education is key to Nigeria’s development, and that teachers are critical stakeholders and drivers of development. I believe strongly too that the greatest war Nigeria can wage against crime and criminals, and all other forms of self-destructive tendencies, is to equip the schools, remunerate the teachers appropriately, and of course take the education project, in Nigeria very serious. That is, if there is any slightest concern about winning the battles and changing the ugly narratives, of the country. Same is true if the nation must move away from a beggarly, aid dependent and socially stagnated state.

The journey to economic Eldorado, is a journey for the developed mind. Without deliberate efforts at developing the mind of citizens, especially at the very early stages of the child, and the same efforts sustained at higher levels, I contend that the Nigerian nation may never be celebrated as a socially advanced, politically mature, intellectually adept, and people driven and people centered.

A developed mind adds, the undeveloped takes. A developed mind is always centered on cultivating, giving and distributing, while the undeveloped minds concentrates more at gathering, acquiring and confiscating uncontrollably what other people has worked very to provide for themselves. The difference is and will always be clear.

Before me, as I write this piece, are two very energetic teachers, conducting the business of teaching, and battling to control the Pupils, whose Parents arranged lessons for, to cushion the effects of the long school break occasioned by the COVID 19, pandemic.

Watching the two teachers, not just teaching and entertaining very ridiculous questions, but struggling to control the very active and energetic young minds, that their Parents are already tired of being with, but forced to do so by the COVID 19 break, that began since march 2020.

As I watch the two teachers, do their business, my mind raced back, went deep down memory lane, and what is playing is amazing. It is amazing because my teachers touched my life positively. I am amazed, because connecting with the works of my teachers, reminded me of what real sacrifice, true love and care really means.

I am amazed, because going down memory lane, resurrected the contributions of my teachers, and in so many ways, unveiled the development oriented and liberation driven efforts of the teachers. I remember with nostalgic feelings the processes and the path they went through that helped to shape my life and that of others.

I remember like yesterday, how Madam Okoroafor, Mrs. Charity Aguocha and Miss Aguocha, all of blessed memory, Miss Ogbuagu, Mrs. Okoji, Mr. Nwagwu, Mr. Uche, Mr. Bernard Okorie, Mr. Okpo and Mr. Ugonte, at Otampa Primary School, played different roles in the journey of building the life of many of us.

I wish to note here that it is intentional the way the names are presented. That was the way we call them then. I feel it is much more honourable, indeed, very rewarding, presenting the names the way they are above, instead of adding the second names.

I am very much aware of the feeling presenting the names the way we call them then will arouse in any of my class and school mates, that will have the opportunity to read this piece, aware that some of us may not remember the names if presented outside the way their subconscious have registered the names. If they cannot pick the names correctly, that nostalgic effect that occasions like this arouse will be loss completely. This I don't want for any reason.

Watching the two Teachers and the Children right before me, I can observe the Teachers commitment to encourage the young minds as they struggle to recite the English Alphabets. It looks funny, but truth be told, that was how the teachers I mentioned, in particular, Madam Okoroafor, started the journey of our life: A,B,C,D and 123…

As I watch the two teachers right before me, and matching their efforts with the work of my own teachers then, I find the whole experience very fascinating, and feel very proud of my primary school teachers.

Through their love, passion, and commitment, sustained over time and strengthened at other levels along the line of development, the independent letters of the English Alphabet A, B, C, D… grew to two letter words, three letter words, four letter words and so on.

Similarly, the figures too grew from units1,2,3…to tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions. As a matter of fact, it was through their (the Teachers) efforts that some of us have grown to connect the letters of the English Alphabet, to create very interesting or painful stories, depending on the objective and who is at the other end. I am very optimistic that some of us, are now connecting the letters of A,B,C,D, and has become stabilization tools in the society. Some in that ABC class, are today converting the figures 1,2,3, to high sounding values in different currencies, including Naira, Dollar, Pounds and Euro….

I am aware that as the journey started at Otampa Primary School for me, the story is not different, in so many other places. From the various villages of the 36 states in Nigeria and the federal capital territory, Abuja, the story is not different, just as it is not, in the Countries of Africa, and the Continents of the World.

Interestingly, some of the then A, B, C, D and 1,2,3 reciters, have appendages attached before their name. Some, the appendage has even taken over their name, e.g. Doctor, Barrister, Journalist, Accountant, Manager, Architect, and others go with the appendage Governor, President, Commissioner, Minister and…

The teachers did a lot to develop us: YOU, ME, MINE AND YOURS. (forget the grammar, get the message).

Of all the contributions of the teachers in my life, and your life, here I am, bombarded every day, in both the social and traditional media, with stories of unrepentant nincompoops and misnomers that saddle the affairs of the political space and parade the various organs and positions as politicians and political office holders, with a wonderful nomenclature the political class...

Going by the hues and cries of many Nigerians, will not be surprise if they assess the contributions of mos Politicians and rate them as: National Socio-Economic Paralyzing Citizens (NSPC)...

They come in different packages, shapes, forms, styles and sizes. Wear your thinking cap and identify some of them:

  • The tinier they are, the bigger their ambition, their deceit package and troubles.
  • The poorer they are, the more their claim of integrity and desire to put things right.
  • The older they are, the more lies they tell and the more arrogant they are.
  • The more educated and certificates they parade, the more they support people without certificate.
  • The older their Military Khaki uniform, the more tribalistic and divisive they are.
  • The more legal education they have, the less important and subservient they are
  • The more religious they present to be, the less their capacity to stand for the masses
  • The higher their certificate and office they occupy, the easier to collapse before the National Assembly members.
  • In case you’re confused, and unable to decipher the message, I
  • charge you to rid yourself of senseless and unhealthy attachment to the brainwashing techniques of the politicians, and honour the values planted in you by your teachers. If you start today, a lot will be achieved…

Happy teachers’ day…

I come in Peace,

Nnabugwu Chizoba (Charismatic Chizzy)


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