Wednesday 1 August 2018


By Nnabugwu Chizoba (Charismatic Chizy)

You are amazing, My Dear Teacher, you drew me closer, raised my hopes, opened my hands, perfected them from scribbling alphabets and figures to writing of very long essays and high sounding figures. You opened my mind and loaded it with confidence, assurance and direction, you warmed my mind, built in it love and care. You unlocked my memory and printed in it indelible records, understanding and desire to seek the good in me, others and the environment. 
Even at the highest level of anger and provocation, of course caused  by me, your focus remained to shape me for the best. Whatever I am unable to achieve in life, it is not because you did not show me the way early in my life, for I know very well that you put in everything to teach and show me how to be the best, rich and comfortable, though you never attained these feats, while you were doing all you could to plant the right virtues in me. Wherever you are, my Dear Teacher, I celebrate you.
The above serves as a general tribute to teachers. 

However, beginning from today, 1st August, 2018, we invite you to write a story, to celebrate your teacher or teachers. You can write about many teachers as you feel touched your life tremendously, but mind you it must be one teacher per story, that is one teacher at a time. 

Please we enjoin you to state the teacher’s name, the school, and level (Primary, Secondary or Tertiary), and also the class that the teacher taught you. It is expected that you will state some special qualities of the teacher; and if possible the major impact he/she has on you of which you are celebrating him/her.
It will not be out of place if you include the state of origin, local government and the village the teacher hails from, that is if you know or still remember it. 

Please send the story through our email

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