Thursday 14 June 2018


By Nnabugwu Chizoba (Development Practitioner)

Installed ‘Scourer Machine’ already in use. Timothy Manah (Right).
A young Nigerian machine fabricator, Manah Timothy, is a polytechnic graduate with specialization in Production Engineering. He hails from Edo state, but lives in Jos, the Plateau state capital. From available records, it is very obvious that he is poised to change the face of production in Nigeria by dominating the production sector with locally fabricated process machines, with capacity to replace and outperform the highly expensive foreign machines presently in use in the sector. 
Going by what Timothy Manah is doing presently to rescue the Nigerian economy from the domination of foreign machines in production; he ranks among the group of young people in the world doing their country proud.

This is coming at a time many Nigerian youths, including the graduates among them, roam the streets seeking for what people in some quarters have tagged none existent jobs, in the government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, popularly called MDAs.

In the midst of this job hunt, the polytechnic graduates complain seriously of high level discrimination, marginalization, and unequal opportunities that exist in the labour market, and is making it extremely very difficult for them to secure employment and in this regard limited their opportunity to ply their trade, even when some of them have proven to be very good in their chosen field. According to them, the labour market in Nigeria is systematically designed to favour their university counterparts.

While the argument above rages on and the number of unemployed youths, continue to swell with each graduating set from various tertiary institutions in the country adding to the number of unemployed youths, while the unemployment challenge, in addition to all other issues associated with it continue unabated, young Manah, has taken the challenge to do things differently, in a bid to change the ugly narrative, and reduce the unemployment rate, by replacing those imported expensive machines that he and some other Nigerians can produce far better ones in terms of cost, efficiency and sustainability.

To match his feelings, thoughts and words with action, Timothy Manah opened his engineering outfit, the Omanah Engineering, with a self-imposed mandate, clearly anchored on taking over the production of machines used by manufacturers in Nigeria, notwithstanding that they are dominated by imported ones.

If you consider his mandate a mere threat, then you just have to examine your head ones again, because Timothy Manna’s products are already holding sway. They have been tested and proven to be efficient and outstanding. The Machines are doing exceedingly well. From Enugu to Zaria and other places, where complete installation and production are taking place, the machines of Omanah Engineering are saving for the Machine owners thousands of Dollars and Millions of Naira that would have been expended on the less efficient imported machines.

As it is common knowledge that no single individual can personally transform the Nigerian economy, it is expected that committed effort in terms of support and patronage be extended to Timothy Manah and his outfit, the Omanah Engineering, to realize his dream of contributing significantly towards the efforts to make Nigeria a self-reliant, buoyant and self-sustaining economy.

On the strength of the foregoing therefore, I wish to call on the federal, state and local governments in Nigeria, institutions and well-meaning citizens to give Timothy Manah and the Omanah Engineering the maximum support to actively pursue and deliver on his well-intended efforts geared towards creation of job, wealth generation, economic recovery, empowerment and sustainable development.

Doing the above will ensure that the government objective of promoting local content and developing the local economy through support for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise MSMEs is a genuine effort, not an oxymoron. Timothy Manah, his company Omanah Engineering, and others like him in the country need the support of all, especially at this time that the word on the mouth of those on the corridors of power is entrepreneurship development. 

Details on Omanah Engineering Machines coming on this Platform very soon…

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