Monday 29 January 2018


Nnabugwu Chizoba (Sustainability Accountant and Development Practitioner)

The overwhelming need to work towards enhancing the knowledge, skill, capacity and ability of the average entrepreneurs and business operators, on the subject matter of book-keeping, accounting and finance has giving birth to this piece. I consider this need as urgent. This belief is strengthened by the fact that improvement in the focused area is fundamental to raising the standard of business operations and the performance of entrepreneurs and business people generally. 

The above assertion is apt, in view of the huge benefits accruable to the entrepreneurs and the business community, from improved book-keeping, accounting and financial records that include but not limited to: better forecast, enhanced budgeting and planning, improved revenue profile and increased profit. The benefit encompasses effective and efficient resource deployment: cash and material. 

To say the least, improvement in basic accounting skills by entrepreneurs and business operators is one sure approach to advancing business activities significantly and adding desirable values in operations. 

I have no doubt that the terminologies, as contained below, are quite familiar, to most entrepreneurs and business persons. My appeal, therefore, is for you to take time and read through them. Don’t fall for any temptation that will make you take them for granted. This will enable you to make the best out of this piece. The crux of the matter is that abuses abound in dealing with the terminologies by the entrepreneurs and business owners, who due to ignorance, propelled principally by very low knowledge of what the words really represent and how they are treated in book-keeping, accounting and finance, have not benefitted maximally from them. 

The terminologies are presented below. Give them your best shut. They portend well for your business and business operations generally. They are equally beneficial, to the general reader. Savour them…

Transaction: When used in business and for the purpose of accounting entries or records, it means no other thing than that event which affects the “financial position of a business”. For anything therefore to be considered a transaction in accounting it must have a monetary effect on the business. The effect is either an increase or decrease in the financial resources of the business. 

A point to note here and seriously too is the fact that the effect (increase or decrease) must be associated directly with the business; not the owner or anybody else for that matter. 

Purchases:  This is one word that has been variously misinterpreted by entrepreneurs and business owners. Purchases for the sake of book-keeping, accounting and finance entries or records refer to the cost of buying goods, stock or inventories, specifically for sale or merchandising in the ordinary of course of the business entity or outfit. 

For the trader or merchandiser, purchases refer to the cost of buying finished goods for sale. And for the Manufacturer, purchases stand for the cost of buying raw materials for production purposes. 

Consider a situation where a dealer in cement buys cement for sale. Purchases in accounting is the cost of the cement and is recorded in the purchases account. Similarly, if the cement dealer buys a ceiling fan for the business, the cost of the ceiling fan will not be found or recorded in the purchases book, because it is not considered as purchases in accounting. The situation will not be same if the ceiling fan was bought by a business operator that deals on ceiling fan or electrical electronics or appliances. 

By accounting principles; which must be upheld at all times, there is a huge difference between the cost of goods purchased for sale or raw material purchased for production and the cost of buying machines, equipment, furniture/fittings, land, Television, radio, car, and motor bike for the business. The cost of these items is regarded as capital. They are treated as Assets and are capitalized in the statement of financial position a business entity. 

Note that the above has nothing to do with whether the entrepreneur or business owner buys on credit or pays cash.

Sales: This is another commonly misinterpreted word, when it comes to business and accounting. To the business community, most of them regard and treat sales as income from anything that has to do with sale of any item of the business by the owner. This long held impression is wrong, and is very harmful to a business. 

Sales in book-keeping, accounting and finance, refer simply to the income, revenue, earned (received or to be received), when an entrepreneur or business owner sale goods, stock or any item that falls under the ordinary course of the business. This explanation fits better for the traders or merchandisers. For the manufacturing outfits, sales refer to the amount earned from the sale of products produced. 

Using the cement dealer as example, the proceeds realized from the exchange of the cement with the buyers for monetary value is regarded as sales and would be found or recorded in the sales account. 

In the event that the cement dealer decides to sale the ceiling fan for any reason, the sale of it will not be found in the sales account, as this is not regarded as sales. 

Continue to keep in touch with this Platform. More of this enlightenment packages has been organized in way and manner that will help the entrepreneur and the business community advance their business for meaningful impact and sustainable results. 

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