Sunday 26 November 2017


By Nnabugwu Chizoba, (Development Practitioner)

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis 8:22

They, that farm, sow seeds. For bumper harvests, and continuity of their venture, seed farmers in addition to other requirements, are expected to know the seasons, understand the Seeds, as well as plant the right seeds and at the right time. The seasons will continue as long as the Earth remains.

Real success in Seed farming is hinged on knowing the seasons and also understanding the seeds to plant. Equally necessary, is the need for the farmer to sow the right seeds and at the right time. 

To assume that many of my readers will clearly understand the season referred to above, may be a very bogus assumption. For clarification and better understanding of the discourse, it is important to state that “Season” in this passage refers to the period of existence on Earth. Another point of note, is that “Recession” connotes difficult times and the challenges of Man on earth. Similarly the “Seed” represents Man’s attitude, character, behaviour and the likes. 

Apart from properly directing the attention of my esteemed reader and making it easier to remain focused on the issue being discussed, the above explanation has also enabled the reader to draw out the intended lessons from the discourse. 

Having said that let me repeat the portion of the passage that reads:

“True success in Seed farming, is hinged on knowing the seasons, and also understanding the seeds to plant. Equally necessary, is the need for the farmer to sow the seeds at the right time”.
Reflecting on that, marrying or relating it with the brief explanation, offered above brings one to the point where it is safe to conclude that: 

No amount of abracadabra and guess work, will save the farmer (you), who refuses or fails to abide by the basic rules of seed planting”, partly stated above.

It is in this regard that the reader is invited to “Work while it is day (alive: the season) because the night (Death: off season) is near” (John 9:4), emphasis added. 

Very important, before we proceed further into the discourse, is to understand very clearly that: “The things we do or not do (work, behaviour, attitude) are seeds that surely bear fruits.

At this point, one question is critical: “What type of fruit do your works bear or produce? Taking a clue from the Holy Book, the Bible, we learn that every seed produces after its kind. This is seen in Gal 6:7 (Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a Man sows that shall he also reap).

Generally speaking, every human being produce, essentially, two fundamental seeds. They are

  • The Good seeds - blessings onto the Sower, see Deut 27
  • The Bad seeds - curses onto the Sower, see Deut 28

Points to note about the seeds of our farms

  • They may die before germination
  • They may die after germination
  • If they did not die after germination they may or may not benefit the owner

Points to note about the seeds of our character, actions and in-actions (work)

  • They do not die prematurely or suddenly
  • They surely live, and become either a benefit or a curse to us Deut 11:26 - 28
  • They extend reward (blessing or curse) to our children or children’s children

Time for the Seed sowing

  • It is now (this moment, at present, while there is still life) 2 Cor 6: 2 (refer also to John 9:4)
  • It is in good time (when we are swimming in abundance)
  • It is when the time is tough, (in lack. When recession is hitting hard) Psalm 126:5 - 7
  • It is when the atmosphere is cloudy (time of uncertainty) Eccl 11:4

Reflection on the Seeds that yield in Generations.

A             The wicked seed of Israel Lam 5:7

  • Sacrifice to idols – to amass wealth, gain power and wield influence
  • Manslaughter (paternal and maternal stories) ... The blood of Abel cries
  • Dedication of babies to idols
  • Covenants (agreements) made with idols

B             The righteous Seed of Jonathan 2 Samuel 9:1 - 9

Dear Reader, reflect on what you have read. Consider the issues, for and against. Is there any reason you will not join the narrow path, in case you are yet to do so, and tow the way of the wise and obedient farmer, that sows the right seeds and at the right time? The season, is turbulent and dangerously destructive, won’t you take the leap into the path of eternity?

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