Thursday 6 July 2017


By Nnabugwu Chizoba

Taking up the responsibility of becoming a change agent, is not a task that ordinary men, women, groups and associations embark on or easily bring upon themselves. The sacrifices, which include time, money, pleasure and indeed intellect are not always easy to come by.
The challenges, difficulties and problems associated with stepping out as a Change agent notwithstanding, the Jos Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (JOCCIMA), has made it a second nature, to always lead the way, especially in setting the framework for economic development in the rural areas.

The immense opportunities that will be thrown up if economic development efforts in Plateau state are geared towards opening up the economic space through committed efforts at tapping massively from the obvious wealth that nature has abundantly deposited in the rural communities of Plateau state, in terms of both human and natural resource endowments, are not in doubt.
The Jos Chamber of Commerce, aware of this development and the importance that a well-structured approach at directing the attention of both local and international investors to the huge economic market at the rural communities in Plateau state, portends, has triggered off a movement that everybody on the Plateau must key into for urgent and massive economic growth of both the people and the government.
The Chamber, operating with very lean resources, has maintained its resolve of not just setting the pace at transforming the fortune of rural communities, but also building a solid base, for economic growth and development of Plateau state. It is on the strength of this that the Chamber, kick started a Zonal Trade-fair, in the state, to put the rural communities on the spot light, showcasing their produce, products and unique services.
Those following developments in Plateau state, especially, Economic development analysts and observers will recall that the Jos Chamber, in less than a year of its emergence, organized “The Shendam Trade Fair”, in February 2017, precisely from 18 – 28 at the Shendam Mini-Stadium.
The Trade Fair, tagged SHENDAM 2017, has as its Theme “Local Government as Agent of Change and Grassroots Development” and in many ways captured the minds and Vision of the organizers, the Jos Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, and underscores the role of Rural Communities in the efforts to develop the state. It also, lives an imprint in the mind of any well-meaning citizen on the Plateau, on the direction to follow if sustainable economic development is the focus. 


Pursuant to the attainment of the Chamber’s self-imposed mandate of expanding economic opportunities through sustainable communities, in Plateau state, JOCCIMA has proposed another Trade Fair Come December, 2017. This time it is tagged MANGU 2017.
You will agree with me that the rate of urban growth and rural migration is alarming. The growth of urban population is already a source of worry, having been identified as contributing to the rising spate of youth restiveness, crimes of different magnitude and armed conflicts. Most Urban communities, have exceeded their capacity to accommodate and provide for rural migrants. Most of the migrants head straight for the worst kind of urban slum, where they live in environments filled with foul squatters and settlements plagued by open sewers, harmful cooking fumes and piles of fermenting garbage.
Based on the above negative developments, and in recognition of the urgent need to change the narrative, I wish to use this medium to draw the attention of government and all well-meaning citizens, including Corporate Bodies and Groups, on the need for all to find ways to collaborate with JOCCIMA, in her effort to give the rural communities a huge voice and a Platform to showcase their capacity and rewrite the story of economic development efforts and approaches, in Plateau state.
The Theme of the proposed Trade Fair “Public Private Partnership (PPP) Towards Accelerated Economic Development of Plateau State” is a pointer to the call for collaborations with JOCCIMA.  

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