Friday 9 June 2017



The Plateau State Youth Council is condemning the Kaduna Declaration made by members of some Northern groups at the Arewa House, Kaduna on June 6, 2017.

The declaration was issued collectively by the Arewa Citizen Action, Arewa Youth Consultative Forum, Arewa Youth Development Forum, Arewa Students Forum amongst others.
This news does not only promote disunity but goes against the very core and value of our great country Nigeria. The so-called ‘Kaduna Declaration’ may be a surprise to some but not entirely to others due to the recent backlash directed at the Acting President by some Northern leaders, accusing him of nepotism and sectionalism.

Nigeria is now boiling with different regions crying out that they are being marginalized in the scheme of things. While some of the concerns might be genuine and honest, some are just a show to seek attention and stir up discord.

It is evident that the declaration is clearly a symptom of a deep rooted and unaddressed sickness in our society. It is very unfortunate and appalling that some of our youths are willing to become tools at the hands of desperate citizens who are bent on disrupting the peace and collective existence of our people.
Despite the persisting aspiration for the creation of Biafra by some Igbo people and the concerns shown by others, no government in Nigeria’s history has sought for a political solution to the problem of the previous civil war which left a bad taste in the mouths of many. 

With that being stated, the so-called Coalition of Arewa Youths instead of proffering solutions is adding salt to injury by coming up with such declaration. This act suggests that they are instigating social unrest by promoting the exclusion and picking on of one group of people, which in this case are the Igbo people. These groups are making frantic efforts to widening the degree of hatred and distrust among fellow Nigerians which is a recipe for yet another civil war.

Their ultimatum of asking the Igbo people to leave the North is very childish, absurd and absolutely irrational. Giving a timeline to that evil and nefarious demand shows that there is a gap in the level of love and tolerance for all ethnicities in Nigeria and more importantly shows that it is obvious we have learnt nothing from history.

With whose authority did they have the boldness and effrontery to make such a demand to a people who are hardworking and very industrious, and have contributed immensely to building the economy of Nigeria? What informed these retrogressive actions? Who gave them the authority to speak on behalf of the north?

Inasmuch as their actions are laughable, callous and ill informed, it also portends the style of leadership some young people will adopt if given the opportunity to serve. It’s rather unfortunate that this display of crass ignorance is coming at a time when intelligent and patriotic young people are pressing for the #NotTooYoungToRun bill. This action may cause our elders to doubt our credibility and potential to maintain the sanctity of the Nigerian state as one indivisible entity.

We dissociate ourselves totally from the reckless statements credited to the groups mentioned above. We formally state that we do not condone the Kaduna Declaration; we do not condone hate, tribalism, exclusion, violence, and discrimination of any sort.  The action of these people is inimical and inexcusable. We are aware that this action has the potential to create unnecessary tension so we plead with our elders and the rest of Nigerians to pardon the ineptitude of the leaders of this so-called coalition and disregard their actions.

 We pledge as a state and a nation that we shall watch over our fellow compatriots and protect their interest with everything including our lives, because we believe that an injury to one is an injury to all. We understand the groups have apologized to Nigerians and the relevant authorities, but they must show signs of serous repentance and must be seen to act in a manner that is lawful and responsible.

We are calling on the relevant security agencies to arrest and prosecute any person or group of people that threaten the peaceful existence of the Nigerian state. We believe that such person or group be considered terrorist and treated accordingly. A waste of time could be misinterpreted as tolerance.

The entire youths of Plateau State under the auspices of Plateau State Youth Council strongly dissociate from such a coalition that seeks to threaten or maltreat any person, tribe or religion.
We are firmly committed to actualizing the dreams of our founding fathers. We reassure all ethnic groups on the Plateau, more importantly the Ndigbo at this time, of their personal safety and that of their investments. Violence and looting is not in our culture.

We shall not at this time repeat the mistakes of 1966, when our brothers were used to carry out the civil war only to be dumped and maltreated thereafter. 
In view of this, we add our voice to those calling for the restructuring of the Nigerian state so as to make it more efficient and beneficial to all.

God bless Plateau State Youth Council
God bless Plateau State
God bless Nigeria,

Plateau Youth Council.

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