Wednesday 21 June 2017


By Our Reporter

The Deustsche Gasellschaft fur Interntionale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is the German agency implementing technical cooperation projects worldwide on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and other international development partners.
The international Organization held a workshop in Jos on Business registration and ease of doing business in Nigeria.

Addressing the participants during the programme, Mr. Akinropo Omoware, Advisor, Private Sector Development and Plateau State Coordinator, GIZ-SEDIN, said: 

“In addition to many other programmes, GIZ in Nigeria, is implementing the “Pro-poor Growth and Promotion of Employment in Nigeria (SEDIN). 
Mr. Akin (Right) of GIZ and a participant
“The aim of the “Pro-poor Growth and Promotion of Employment in Nigeria (SEDIN)”, is to improve the employment and income situation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, MSMEs, by improving access to finance and business services, strengthening entrepreneurial and managerial skills and addressing key barriers in the business and investment climate.

“Towards realizing the objectives of the SEDIN programme, with regard to ease of doing business in Nigeria, and in particular, to ease the process of business registration, the GIZ, as part of addressing the key barriers in the business and investment climate, works with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), to improve the process and procedures of business registration in Nigeria”. Mr. Akin said. 

Facilitator of the programme Mr. Nnabugwu Chizoba (standing) conferring with a participant Mr. Andy Agbadi
From his address, (Mr. Akin), it was clear that SEDIN stands for Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria”.

The above succinctly captures the essence of the sensitization workshop held on 20th June, 2017 to sensitize stakeholders in Jos Plateau state on recent reforms carried out by the CAC towards improving the ease of doing business at the federal and state levels.

Participants at the one day sensitization workshop, held in Jos, the Plateau State capital, include individuals and Business Membership Organizations (BMOs), such as the Plateau State Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (PLACCIMA), and the sister body, the Jos Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (JOCCIMA), and the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN), the Chartered Institute of Human Capital Development (CIHCD), and a renowned business school, the Belford Business Institute and other front liners in MSME development. 
Facilitator and another participant of the programme Mr. Cyril Ogboli
The participants were rattled by the team of GIZ and Corporate Affairs Commission, who were coordinated by a seasoned facilitator in Plateau State, Mr. Nnabugwu Chizoba, CNA, who deployed his facilitation skills effectively and efficiently to ensure that the sensitization cum enlightenment programme, was conducted in a very serene, educative, informative and interactive format.
There was very extensive practical demonstration of the new e-registration platform recently introduced by CAC, to ease the process of doing business, with regard to business registration processes and procedures. The Head of Corporate Affairs Commission, Jos, Plateau state, Barr. Mustapha took his time to educate the participants on the procedures and processes involved when interfacing with the CAC e-registration portal. 

This is a developing story,
will be bringing you more details later

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