Monday 26 June 2017


By Nnabugwu Chizoba

“Concentrating energy, time and other resources, working “in” your business without working “on” the business, is the easiest way to limit the reach of your efforts, business growth and sustainability”…Nnabugwu Chizoba.

In my more than 10 years of consistently providing business advice, entrepreneurship development and investment Consultancy services, and training; to clients, customers, mentees and apprentices, there is something very striking and equally disturbing that I have noticed among business start-ups, growing entrepreneurs and some established ones as well. I personally consider it a huge minus, in their efforts as business operators, entrepreneurs and investors, who are desirous to grow their business, create jobs, and generate wealth. 
Practices, such as sited in the quotation above, and being discussed briefly in this piece, has significantly, limited the efforts of most business operators and equally hampered their capacity to contribute meaningfully at reducing the spate of unemployment, poverty, hunger and starvation, in the land.

The urgent need to overcome such destructive tendencies is increasingly overwhelming, just as the need for productive efficiency has become manifest. In this regard, therefore, closing the wide gap that exists between working “in” and “on” their business (by business operators, entrepreneurs and investors), will make their involvement and efforts in business more engaging, rewarding and a worthwhile experience. 

It will interestingly, also, ensure that as they strive to attain their self-imposed mandates or goals that they equally contribute profoundly towards optimizing the policies and efforts of various governments, and making peoples’ empowerment, socio-economic growth and sustainable development efforts a reality. 

For better understanding of the discourse, let me say that the missing link, which is also stifling in a way, bothers heavily on the fact that most business owners and entrepreneurs spend much time working “in” their business that they do not work “on” their business. (I suggest you pause a little and spare a thought on this before proceeding with your reading).

The above identified development, has, is, and will continue to stall business development efforts, and as a matter of fact, impact entrepreneurship activities negatively, if unchecked. Like most things of life involving the activities of men, women, young, elderly, individuals, institutions, groups and communities; the place of growth, achievement and sustainable development can never be over emphasized. They are the currency that binds, and the substance that gladdens the hearth. In business and entrepreneurship development activities, the same situation holds true. 

It is on the strength of the foregoing, that a systematic, but progressive move is necessary. This move is germane, apt and increasingly very essential and equally rewarding.  This will impact business activities and operations positively, considering that MSMEs development is a wind of change blowing across the country. For this reason, elevating the structures that will make business operators to work “on” their business is critical for MSMEs development, considering the benefits and values derivable from it.

I encourage business operators, entrepreneurs and investors to concentrate seriously on working “in” their business. Similarly, I favour raising alternative structures that will assist business operators to work “on” their business. 

A structure, has been strategically erected in Plateau state, to work “on” businesses in Plateau state and by extension for the benefit of MSMEs. It is a collaboration between two active, MSME oriented interest outfits: Belford Institute Consultants (operator of Belford Business Institute) and the Jos Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, JOCCIMA. 

My Advocacy efforts as a Business developer and entrepreneurship Consultant, with regard to creating opportunities that ensure start-ups and growing business operators are not distracted from working “in” their business, but that efforts are directed towards raising structures that will work “on” their business, have yielded positive result, with the emergence of this collaboration between Belford and JOCIMMA, in Plateau state. 

The goal of Belford/JOCCIMA collaboration is to work towards protecting and promoting the local business community and to help the business owners to network and grow by helping them to further their interests through business development services, Advocacy and effective representation.

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