Thursday 4 May 2017


By Nnabugwu Chizoba

My dearest people, Ndi Nwanneukwu!

As events unfold, and the usual hide and seek game by politicians continue against the people’s hope for one form of miracle or the other, a closer look at the community of our birth, ‘Isuikwuato’, by any serious observer, political analyst, public commentator, discussant or concerned citizen; speaking either as a community member or guest, surely would have hands full, as he/she would be gasping for breath, contending with the issues of misrule, impunity, and political manipulations by the elites.

The political terrain is as always, murky and muddled. A classic example of disorder. 

Easily noticed in our very treasured community, are enormous signs of exploitation of the masses and the community, failed government institutions, policies and leadership structures.

There are palpable signs and glaring indications that the people have been neglected and short changed for too long. Dilapidated infrastructures, gloomy faces, and absence of citizen participation in the governance process, are also indicative of prolonged years of neglect, deprivation, abuse, transgression, and other forms of ignoble socially intolerable operations.

Any wonder then, that the larger society is characterized by widespread lawlessness and arbitrariness, hardship, poverty, loss of dignity, ignorance and disunity among family members, neighbors and friends in the community? 

My people there is even the high rate of insecurity of life and property in our land!

The above, if truth be told, are the handiwork of manipulators, high level schemers and betrayers, masquerading on one hand, as community representatives and leaders, and on the other hand as politicians. 

Working together, in the company of some pusillanimous contractors, individuals and groups, undercover men and women, have over the years, held the community (Isuikwuato) and the people captive. They have created what a writer perfectly describe as a privatized public and what I would call a twisted, distorted, and perverse value system in which all manners of social obscenities have been foisted on the public. 

By their actions and inactions, over the years, they have always bequeathed to the people and the political space, political office holders of their personal choice, interest, whims, caprices and purposes, forcing the people to depend solely on the theory of divine luck for survival. 

By their own individual ratings only, they and their political office holders (their stooges), have performed exceedingly great, achieved tremendous goals, worthy results, lasting imprints and landmark goals. Surprisingly, the only thing they are remembered for in the public domain is their resolve, commitment and constant efforts to undermine the interest of the community, the good people of Isuikwuato, the NWANNEUKWUs; the electorate. 

Their large appetite for deceit, deception, and unwavering knack to derail any process that have the potency to produce public good, have left a devastating effect on the Isuikwuato community, her traditions/culture, citizens, values and governance system. They have maintained a single template, though ignorantly, that has made it difficult to throw up legends like NWANNEUKWU: Rear Admiral Godwin Ndubuisi Kanu (Rtd), and Lt, Gen. Ihejirika (Rtd), within the political class.
Rear Admiral Godwin Ndubuisi Kanu (Rtd)

Since the advent of democratic governance in Nigeria in 1999, Isuikwuato Local Government Area has witnessed different political leaders both elected and appointed. What is on ground presently, simply tells the story of a neglected people. The various political office holders have never proven to the people that meaningful things result from Democratic Governance! 

The above is so important that it should not be taken lightly, especially the circumstances that contributed to the ugly state of affairs in the community. It is rather necessary that new frameworks are established in the community, to effectively manage these issues. This would also mean that committed efforts must be in place and raised in structural form, such that would help support inclusiveness, active citizenship, Advocacy, Networks, alliances and coalitions in the community. 

The existing structure, which has permeated the system, and seems accepted by the people, to say the least, is totally unacceptable, since it lacks real, effective and result oriented structures, such that promotes peoples’ engagement in a democratic setting. Any political process that is not designed, built and owned by the people is headed for failure, doomed and dead on arrival. 

The structure that needs to be designed and erected is the type that should be able to erase the ugly incidences and events of the past, introduce new, but improved approaches, as well as, show the direction to a sustainable socio-economic future, where inclusive governance, human dignity, equity and order, including social justice are the watchword. 
Lt. Gen Onyeabor Ihejirika (Rtd)
The new framework must be capable of stamping out weak leadership structures in our various villages, and discourage inactive citizenship, ignorance, destructive tendencies, such as drug abuse, fighting, stealing, lack of respect for well-meaning individuals, whose only fault is their financial incapacitation, due largely to poor governance systems; and all other forms of disrespect, must be done with.

Other mind bugging issues such as unhealthy rivalries, bickering, backbiting, rumour peddling, bad-mouthing, unnecessary competitions, including weak relationship patterns that have led to the collapse of the organic structures erected by our ancestors for the good of the community, must be erased.

Absence of good governance structures, weak community cohesion and resilience, strong and active networking channels, which have left in the vacuum created, ignorance, breakdown of family ties, egoism and low self-esteem have given rise to inordinate ambitions by the youths. There is also low productivity among individuals, groups, and institutions, when considered in terms of political relevance, sagacity, and incisive contributions towards designing, raising and sustaining good governance architecture, in the community of NWANNEUKWUs. 

These developments are unpalatable, inimical and debilitating, totally injurious, nauseating, and out rightly condemnable, repugnant and against good conscience. They have rendered our community ineffective, causing her to lie prostrate and demobilized. 

What is witnessed presently in the land of NWANNEUKWUs, the land of GENERALs, NDI-HENDO, can best be described, as theatre of the absurd. There is today; in various villages, few voices of reason, weak groups, and more often than not, uncoordinated efforts towards uprooting the forces working against the collective will of the people. The saboteurs, abusers, treasury looters and workers of iniquity are also celebrated. 

The “Oka-nma-lamas” have made it impossible for the Government organs essential for improved infrastructure, youth and women empowerment, quality education, and poverty eradication, wealth generation/job creation, accelerated growth and sustainable socio-economic development of ISUIKWUATO and the NWANNEUKWUs, to work, hence they have remained a mere oxymoron. 

Bemoaning the above and the system that brought them and yet do nothing, cannot be a way out, just as apportioning blame is not good enough. Both approaches would do nobody any good.
On this note therefore, I make bold to call on all and sundry, irrespective of the particular cluster that you may be representing: Village, Clan, Umunna, Academic background, Party affiliation, and religious leaning, to understand that a total new orientation is necessary for the growth of our community. 

A sort of turnaround approach is required to reposition and refocus the land of the NWANNEUKWUs. We must rise in unison, and in doing so, embrace the truth that individually and collectively, we have over the years played to the gallery. 

We have all contributed, by our actions and inactions, one way or the other to the menace that has led to the under-development of the land of the NWANNEUKWUs.

Suffice to say, “ONYE OBULA KPURU-CHI-OHURÚ. The saying of our people. Ndewonuooo!

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