Monday 3 April 2017


By Chizoba Nnabugwu
The importance of learning and knowledge acquisition to both Men and Women, in their efforts to make the best out of the Biblical injunction, which enjoins Man to:
“Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that move upon the earth” can never be over emphasized. 

The above, easily calls to mind the relevance of Research, information seeking, data analysis, and of course, the indispensability of informed conclusions. This understanding is as a matter of fact, very essential as it explains why human capacity development is not only important but equally very crucial to Man (used here for both sexes) in the deliberate efforts to develop the self and the environment, and in doing so rule the earth and have dominion over it.

The foregoing, could also be responsible or at least explain, not only the reason but, equally the purpose of putting up structures of effective planning, proper coordination, and close supervision and indeed control measures to ensure conformity and relevance of output or final result at the end of the process. 

The structure referred to here, is the school and the educational system put in place to guide efforts aimed at human development in a formal setting or environment (for emphasis). 

Putting into consideration the environment under which Man operates on earth, a calculated guess as to the reason(s) for setting up the school and the education system under which it operates will include but, not limited to, the need to achieve breakthroughs, fundamental results, lasting imprint, celebrated and far reaching influences, through the process of teaching and learning. 

Very common, easily identifiable and operational at different levels in the School system are the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education. Each level is key and contributes significantly to the development of Men and Women, in a world characterized by changes, challenges and pressure of different magnitudes and momentum.

Drawing this discussion to the point of focus; which is the very shameful, despicable and totally condemnable and embarrassing act of timidity and indolence, exhibited by the Management of the University of Jos, who recently, unceremoniously dissolved the “Students’ Union Government (SUG)” that was duly elected by the students of the University; with a clear mandate to work for and protect their interests, as students of the University could best be described as UNFORTUNATE. 

In a democratic environment, such as Nigerians now find themselves, one expects that authorities at the citadel of learning should be very conversant with the values of civilization by adopting the path that is coated with honour in the handling of differences that are bound to occur in a learning environment or academic field.
I have always opined that those in leadership position should be very skillful and amenable to the tools of dialogue and mediation. 

They are condemned to explore by all intent and purposes, every opportunity that would make it convenient for parties in dispute to interact and in this process unburden their minds and see the different sides of every issue. 

People engagement as many people would attest to has, apart from giving warring factions the platform to state their own position in a matter, has helped immensely to douse tension, resolve disputes and equally, make some positions held before the engagement unnecessary and uncalled for. 

It is a fact that, Nigeria as a country is in a recession. It is also incontrovertible that, the economy is biting hard on the people. Therefore, it is expected that an increment in school fees at the University of Jos, of over one hundred percent (100%), would be resisted as it did happened. This is not surprising. It is a fact that the University environment is dominated by youths. Therefore, what is surprising is the response of the University, which is a clear indication that certain things were not thought through and necessary measures put in place for all concerned in the matter to be on the same page before announcing the hike in fees. 

It is therefore strongly advised that the Management of University of Jos, should take appropriate steps and do the needful. This matter must not get out of hand. The branch of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has spoken, through a letter, condemning the action of the University’s Management. In the same vein, the National Association of Plateau State Students (NAPSS), has also spoken, through a very peaceful demonstration, an approach considered civil, of international standard and of best practice in dispute situations. Similarly, the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the None-governmental Organizations (NGOs), well-meaning Nigerians, public affairs analysts and commentators operating in Plateau State, have all raised their voices in condemnation of the way and manner the University’s Management handled and is still handling the matter. 

The University of Jos also has a Center for Conflict Resolution. In situations such as this, one expects the University’s Management to engage their services. 

If I am not right, at least I will be erring on the part of caution, if I argue that the aims and specific objectives of a University’s Management is to provide the students with the type of education that allows them to acquire skills and knowledge necessary and relating to the ability to boldly express and communicate their concerns whenever they feel cheated, maltreated, sidelined and rejected or for any reason observe that their interest, is being undermined or trampled upon. It sounds ridiculous to imagine that the same University that should pride itself, as having produced very expressive, bold and intelligent chaps is still the one maligning, intimidating and frustrating them (the students). 

The decision by the Management of University of Jos, to dissolve the “Students’ Union Government” of the University is condemnable and unacceptable and should be resisted by all well-meaning people in Plateau state, as it is being resisted. Militarizing the University system will do nobody any good. It should be of note that, dissolving the Union, technically closes all doors of negotiation between the students and the University authorities.  

This development portends danger!

It is not only dictatorial, it is unconstitutional and a violation of the students’ right of association and freedom to assemble. After all “A child that says the soup prepared by the father is not delicious, wants to hear the story of how the mother left”. 

Time to act is now!

“A stich in time saves nine”.

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