Saturday 29 April 2017


By Nnabugwu Chizoba
Heap of dirt needed to be removed

The civil service, at the federal, state and local government in Nigeria is regarded as the activity hub of governance. Therefore, the civil service is key to the success or failure of any government. Thus, any government that wishes to succeed, must demonstrate very clearly her determination to take the interest of the civil servants very serious.

In Plateau state, the Rt. Hon. Barr Simon Bako Lalong led administration, is perceived to be aware of this and does everything to be in the good book of the state workforce, hence, his commitment to the fulfillment of the Biblical saying that the “labourer deserves his pay”. This much has been made categorically clear, by both the leadership of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), and the National Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE), in the state, who have taken turns to applaud the state government for not only taken their plight into consideration, but to have indeed made it a top priority, in the rescue agenda of the government.
At various fora, the Unions have taken time to lend their voice in support of the government for ensuring that the workforce in the state receive what is due to them at the end of every month. 

While many states in Nigeria, still battle their various governors for the payment of salaries due them, even after the release of the famous bailout fund, considered as intervention by the federal government and most economic analysts, observers, radio and television hosts, guest speakers, panelists, and other categories of discussants, who contribute immensely to make the Nigerian system socially and economically very vibrant, robust and actively engaging. 

It is no news that the Governor of Plateau State is nicknamed “alert”, in recognition of his efforts, and as a mark of honour and appreciation for electing and ensuring that the salary of the workers in addition to the accumulated areas were paid, in addition to the continued promise to always pay salary as at when due.

With this gesture of the state government, it is expected that the workforce should reciprocate the efforts and humane disposition of the Governor, the Rt. Hon Simon Lalong by ensuring that they discharge their duties as spelt out in the rules of engagement. Anything short of this is considered a disservice to the state.

Therefore, the attention of the state civil servants and the governor is drawn to what is obviously considered here as unbecoming, embarrassing, disgraceful, unjust and inhuman activity going on along the Zaria by pass, where the heap of dirt deposited in the area is causing unimaginable and untold health hazards, damage and other consequences of very grievous nature.

The fact that the heap of dirt is located very close to the fence of a hospital is bad enough. That the location is directly opposite the Hospital wards, where patients to the hospital are admitted, raises the question of the rationale behind this heinous crime. 

In addition to the issues above is the fact that the heap of dirt is facing a compound housing a secondary and a primary school. Say that this development is an eye sore is stating the obvious.

The ministry of environment, health, and the JMDB, including the Jos North local government is called upon to take very decisive action to ensure that the said heap are evacuated to make the environment safe and clean. It is also very important the waste dump is relocated considering its closeness to the hospital and the school environment. The attention of the Governor is urgently needed to ensure that the needful is done and urgently too! 

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