Friday 28 April 2017


By Nnabugwu Chizoba
Mrs. Sihitse

To the adherent and admirers of Christianity and the Christian Religion, the word “Fire” is very important, as it is figurative. Fire is an attention catcher, an attractive, protective, cautionary and emancipation word to followers of Jesus Christ, as practitioners of the Christian fate.  To some other adherents of the fate, the word Fire brings goose pimple, raises different concerns, best described, as confusion, fear, worry, condemnation, and/or judgment, because it challenges their conducts, integrity, morality, position, sense of worth and purpose.

To the armature, ignorant and Sunday, Sunday, adherent of the Christian Religion; the only thing he/she knows and remembers as far as the ray emitting and very hot object “fire” is concerned, in relation with the Christian worshipper; is the destination of the “Unbeliever and the Sinner”. Fire to this category or group of worshippers, is a cautionary word that reminds them of only one thing; that which happens to the Soul of the unbeliever at the end of this earthly journey: Hell. Hence, they easily and very generously supply what to them is the essential and very prominent partner to the word “fire”, before it is fully appreciated and the impact wholly felt. To them Fire is synonymous with “Hell Fire”.

There is also the other category of Christians, who to them and their admirers, they are more ardent, committed and faithful, than the rest Christian worshippers. Their knowledge and understanding of the word Fire, as operational in Christendom, does not negate or in any way undermine the importance of the word “Hell” as used to qualify “Fire” by the group already discussed. The only difference, is in the erroneous or should one say, seeming belief that the actions and inactions of MAN (used for male and female), are determined, rated and compensated of course, by the frequency with which two other strong words “Holy Ghost” are introduced, adopted and used before the word Fire. Therefore, how favourably disposed and committed you are in the use of “Holy Ghost Fire” is indicative of how serious, religious, Christian oriented, and useful a believer, you are, as a Christian. Good riddance to bad nonsense. Apology please.

The wonderful Girls Dancing round the Fire
 However, the truly elect of the Christian fate, knows and understands the difference and what it takes to serve the Lord, salvage the Soul and contribute meaningfully to the growth and sustainable development of Man (including none adherents of the Christiane fate) and the environment.

Learning from the scripture, it is understood that the Spirit is a fire in three ways: Brings God’s presence, God’s passion and God’s purity. Discussion for another day.

Any wonder the 2nd Plateau District command of the Nigerian Girls Brigade, headed by the Commandant, Mrs. Sihitse and her able lieutenants, knowing the importance of proper grooming of the Girl Child and the future generation of Christian Women, organized a week long Camping programme to educate, train, coach, sensitize, reorient, guide, and indeed shape the future of the focused group, following a very clear mandate anchored on the principle of SEEK, SERVE and FOLLOW Christ.

The Brigade Officers
To realize the well-intended objectives of the camping exercise, the 2nd Plateau District Command of the Girls Brigade, as the organizers of the event, in conjunction with the camp officers, the management and security team ensured that the programmes were successfully implemented as designed and approved. 

Among the core objectives of the camping exercise is the identified need to equip the younger generation and indeed the Girl Child with life skills and the ability to deliver. The aim of the camping exercise as clearly enunciated by the organizers is, as always, to take the Girl Child away from identified, negatively induced, pressure driven, very salient and often neglected, but destructive behavioural tendencies associated with the sinking world of today.   


The lessons learnt during the camping exercise include: The role of the Girl Child and her worth/Child Abuse, Discipleship and Mentoring, Preparation for teenage-hood, Preparation for marriage, The right attitude and mannerisms, effective networking, leadership, entrepreneurship/saving habit, good nutrition and the effect of secular music on the youth. Bible studies, Singing, Debating, Craft and many more were used to garnish the event, in addition to the Camp Fire. 

By Camping, especially in the Girls Brigade, it implies an evangelical outing organized to raise the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional standard and well-being of the Girl Child; and the Girlhood, generally, as a strong and inevitable component of the Society. Similarly, the Camp Fire, is an outdoor Fire, where people gather, dance, share experiences, and create fun, around the fire in a Camping environment or setting.
Who knows, it could be a way also of reminding the participants, of the grave consequences of the “Hell Fire”; or what else could this be, considering that nobody is brave enough to dare the fire by drawing very close to it and whenever the breeze blows, the associated pandemonium that greeted the environment, is not just enough, but, very strong indication of the warning signal to the Christian elect that something ominous lies behind the scene that is surrounded by fun.
The camping programme is considered a serious and very vital activity in the Girls Brigade community for the purpose of grooming, and imparting skills necessary for the development of a total woman, indeed an opportunity to train the Girl Child, strengthen her ability and enhance her understanding of not just the world around her but the Christian ideals, that include: worship, preaching, faith, fellowship and regular communion with the Almighty.

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