Wednesday 15 March 2017


By: Nnabugwu Chizoba
Since the formation of the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN), that gave birth to the renowned Nigerian College of Accountancy, the training arm of the legendary Accountancy body, it is yet to be seen, that any private sector group, especially the Professional Associations, have bequeathed to the Nigerian economy and system, anything comparable, in terms of worth, in size, magnitude and impact, what ANAN, through the Nigerian College of Accountancy, did for Nigeria. I stand to be corrected.
As it is common, in any human endeavour embarked upon by man, the attainment of such height by the founders of ANAN and by implication the Nigerian College of Accountancy, suggest that huddles were passed to establish ANAN and the College. Some of the huddles passed to live such a remarkable imprint in history, may have been self-inflicted at a point and at other times, driven or motivated by external forces, which when considered by any objective analysts or assessors, of the Nigerian economy and the socio-political development, would readily come to a conclusion that the era and the people involved in that epoch making event marked the dawn of creativity, boldness and entrepreneurial exploits, to shape the future direction of Nigeria and her efforts towards self-determination, nation building and economic emancipation.

To say that the efforts of the focused individuals (the founders of ANAN), a very small fraction of the Nigerian populace, is second to no other, is to state the obvious. Conversely to think by any stretch of imagination, that such individuals remain un-song and un-celebrated by Nigerians casts a lot of doubt on the sincerity of both the Nigerian leadership and Nigerians as well.

I observed in another write up, in the past that the founders of ANAN, are National heroes. What I did not say then, but that has become manifest in this discourse, is that they are yet to be well honoured, adequately celebrated and indeed generously decorated by the Nigeria state. Another thing that I wish also to establish is this; the inability of the Nigerian state to herald the exploits of those achievers, sign-posted the derailment of the Nigerian agenda which those wise men saw and worked so hard to lay a solid foundation for, many years ago. 
Chief Chukwuemeka Nzom, ANAN President
 The media, at both the national and state levels, governments at different strata, groups, and all advocates of good, equity, fairness, national consciousness and defenders of posterity should rise in one voice and accord, and in line with best practices, call for a mass movement towards giving a pride of place to these worthy ambassadors of Nigeria. Aptly captured in the Nigerian National Anthem, the nation’s symbol of honour, collective identity and aspiration, is a portion that says:

“The labours of our heroes past shall never be in vein”. On the strength of this, let me hope and be consoled that it could have been an oversight that will be remedied, soon.

Nigerians wake up daily, make deliberate efforts in their various fields of human endeavor, consciously aware that the struggle to build an inclusive, formidable, resilient, stable, and self-sustaining national economy, is a function of creating a very robust and reliable socio-economic platforms, with capacity to raise sub-structures, linkages and diversifications of immense degree and outcomes. Economic experts and analysts view such platforms as the hallmark of a functional development blueprint. The ideology behind the creation of ANAN is one of such platforms.

Apart from being discouraging and demeaning of their roles and efforts, at not only building the national economy but also the confidence of Nigerians, not celebrating these national ICONS lives an impression in the minds of the youth and the coming generation, that men of goodwill are never celebrated, in Nigeria.
What is practically deducible from the on-going narrative is the fact that the founders of ANAN are not just heroes, because they overcame the numerous oppositions encountered on their way, to establish the Association, but of course, for their foresight and legendary role in evolving a system that among other benefits ensures that the process of grooming Professional Accountants in Nigeria, is deeply, firmly, systematically and strategically rooted. 

An attempt to peep into the minds of the founders of ANAN, reveals something very unique and transformational, considering that one fundamental issue in this inquest will be to task the mind as to what would have led them to the formation of the august body. 

Reconciling the above, with their efforts and manner they went about the struggle, it is very easy to allude to the fact they were spurred by overwhelming belief and unflinching conviction that the recognition of the efficacy of an alternative approach, infused with local, traditional and domestic content in the training of Professional Accountants, will raise dependable structures of development.  Their efforts like anything good, withered the storm of opposition and negativity, and in that state graciously, eventfully and convincingly accorded legitimacy to the establishment of a Professional Postgraduate Accountancy College, celebrated today as the Nigerian College of Accountancy.

Worthy of note, is the fact that the Nigerian College of Accountancy is first of its kind, in Africa and second, in the World. The College is brilliantly designed to groom Professional Accountants, in the globe; and of Nigerian extraction in Nigeria. The impact of that decision taken many years ago, on the Nigerian economy of today, can never be over emphasized. Among Nigeria’s export today, is Accounting knowledge. Juxtapose this against the scourge of medical tourism, with its inherent negative effect on the economy of Nigeria, and you will begin to feel the full import of the efforts of the founders of ANAN. 

How else can I end this piece, but to say: “In the midst of successful people, there are indeed great ones”.

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