Wednesday 15 February 2017


By Nnabugwu Chizoba

 When Prof. Wole Soyinka succinctly tagged this present generation of Nigeria, a ‘lost generation’, many eye brows were raised, not because, many people doubted the assertion, not because it lacked merit, but as always, it was to promote deceit and mediocrity.

Yes, lost to mediocrity, subservience and obscurity. Don’t forget that Fela of blessed memory, who many people, disagreed with, during his lifetime, conceivably due to lack of foresight or for the same reason Nigeria’s development is moving in a snail speed and deceit, described the situation as Zoombie, and/or Government magic. With all respect, it will not be out of place to add, nonsensical.

Nigeria, economically speaking operates a mono economy; harping on oil as a major economic catalyst. The future of the world of oil market clearly reveals a sad business. The global community has expressed profoundly the adverse consequences of oil exploration to the diminishing climatic balance, ecological regeneration and human survival. Yet, Nigeria, is adamant to diversification of the economy. The control of oil is presently the major threat to the sovereignty of the nation.

Regrettably, the response of government and the political sub-population, be it of the present or past, have more often than not, been rhetorical, and in the case of the present, authoritarian and devoid of any transformation synthesis, intellectual adequacy and result based synergy. On the contrary, the people are witnessing increasing divestment, closure of mega companies and economic super-structures. The electorate are also plunged into deficit of basic economic infrastructure, and democratic disenchantment reminiscent of the concentration camp epoch.

The peculiarity of the Nigerian economic misfortune, of the present, is congruent with intuitive collapse, inconsistent policy framework, and/or outright insensitivity to the demands of the moment and indeed, rascality and collective malaise of the ruling class. Consequently, the engine of productivity, unity of purpose, job creation and wealth generation and distribution, value-chain integration and assemblage of people, capital, facilities and management system suffer avoidable crisis.

The welfare of the ruling class is promoted far above the wellbeing of the citizenry, buying of military hardware for the security of the ruling class and their pets, is considered far above the public health and the birthday party of the children and hangers on of the ruling class is not only considered but preferred and rated far above the education of the masses.

Nigerians and their children are abandoned, maligned and traumatized. The few educated elites are being dehumanized, disfranchised and threatened. Nobody is free, nothing works and there seems not to be a remedy to the malaise. It’s just another bridge over troubled water. My fear, disillusionment and constellation is an impending cataclysmic breakdown that may make the country unsafe, unmanageable and ungovernable. I pray my anxiety will never come to pass.

The leadership in Nigeria, must not forget that, no country, is ours like Nigeria. Before we loss it, let me make it clear that the enemy at the gate patiently awaiting the opportunity to help destroy the country is ever ready and unrelenting.

It is no surprise that the naira has fallen to an abysmal level and the Wall Street is busy eulogizing the country as upcoming economy. Yet, I know that all human activity is prompted by desire. My assertion will become much more meaningful when the people attempt to reconcile the fact that, a cup of locally produced pepper, sells now at an unprecedented high price than half bag of rice in the surrounding countries. Let us not forget that Nigeria is also a country experiencing the winding up of firms, organizations and institutions. I have not forgotten that the greatest happiness of life is the conviction that one is loved. It does not matter, that hangers-on in government is doing everything within their deceptive minds and power to make the people belief that the first sign of love is the loss of wisdom. The harder they try, the more obvious it becomes that knowledge comes but wisdom lingers.

It was said that the immediate past government of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), then led by Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, left an empty treasury. Perhaps, that was the case but there has been several bailout programs that question the authenticity of the claim. Can the treasury be empty and the ruling government has enough to bail out the states? A stack illiterate from my community ones told me that the best way to get rid of your duties is to discharge them. I find it very difficult to accept his view. My reason is simple, he is an illiterate.

On the contrary, the act of blackmailing Nigeria with impunity is painful especially the seeming less gentle negative remarks against past leaders, clerics, monarchs and the common people. Government apologists don't seem to really appreciate the scope of destruction that they are perpetuating. Yes, the adversaries may beam their gestures, approvals and comments in what could be considered support for such actions but, in reality, they are being diplomatic, cunning and watchful. Belief it or not, their smile is that of conquest and not of approval, a subtle but very painful reminder of the degree of primitivism, folly and incurable ignorance of the leaders that promote such remarks.

Those that pretend to love Nigeria more, probably because of their political leaning, passive, unreceptive and self-serving predispositions, conclude perfunctorily that commentaries which identify loopholes in government serve the interest of opposition. What a pity.

Traducers and their co-hurts in the corridors of power, have recently applauded the nation’s efforts at economic recovery and growth. But the people need to ask a very pertinent question what are the yardsticks used? The sing song in their mouth everywhere they go recently is loan collection… to deliver the economy out of self-imposed recession, I guess!

Those of us that spoke against the loan, did so been aware that there is no visible economic blue print for proper and effective governance. The federal government has admitted severally, that it is yet to produce, how much more roll out its economic agenda for the nation yet, the people are daily harassed, sweet tonged and sometimes systematically forced to swallow the dangerous pills released by the imaginations of fake and deceptive minds bent on derailing the nation. Without an economic agenda or blue print, Nigeria does not have serious need for any loan, this much is known by the government.

Beyond government promises for economic growth and sustainable development, one thing the masses must do, do persistently and never reneging, is to ask:

What is the blue print for reformation and change agenda?
From the above, there is a strong indication that a probably climate of darkness is hovering over Nigeria.

Did I hear you saying “God forbid?”

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