Saturday 3 September 2016


By Osim Jones Usim, ESQ, MCRP, LLM, BL, L.L.B, Executive Director Advocates Centre for Children and Youth Welfare.
Child protection is a practical activity which must be learned. The first practical approach to child protection is to know who a child is. It is a settled position of all legislation, and the Child Rights Act that any person under 18 years is a child and they are still evolving. That is why when you want to obtain certain information concerning the child’s situation you must relate with children taking into consideration their vulnerability.
In the course of our field works, the below listed were noted to be major protection concerns of children.
These are:-

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Discrimination
  • Neglect
  • Child labour
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Children dubbed witches
  • Street hawking
  • Street begging
  • Child trafficking

It is important to point out that though rape is a form of child abuse it is captured within the ambit of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of the Child. This we believe will give the reader of this piece a more objective and unbiased approach to putting into practice the lessons of this publication.

Sexual abuse of the child is taken undue advantage of the child sexually because of his or her inability to discern the actual intention of the perpetrator of the abuse. Though girls are more vulnerable to sexual abuse, boys are also sexually abused, especially following the advent of internet and print media pornography. Often time’s children do not report the incident and when it is eventually reported harm may have been caused on the child. Sexual abuse therefore does not revolve around the sex of the child but around the activity of the adult or peer who is involved in the use of children to gratify their sexual desire. Most children are sexually abused by their caregivers while most incidents occur outside the home of the child. That is why we must understand the process of child protection to help the child who is sexually abused.

Discrimination is the completion of the act of discriminating. It is extracted from the verb discriminate, which is defined in Chambers Dictionary as, to note the difference of or between, to distinguish, to select from others, to treat differently, because of prejudice. In child protection, it is the physically challenged child that is most vulnerable to discrimination. That is why we must as of necessity know that every child have the same right in the sight of the law. Orphans and children separated from homes are also vulnerable. We are expected to stop discrimination by taking prompt action when it is discovered that such action exists.

Neglect is defined in Chambers Dictionary as; to treat carelessly, to pass by without notice, to omit by carelessness, to fail to bestow due care upon or disregard. Child neglect is therefore, the intentional omission of a person who ordinarily have the duty of care for the child to perform such duty. Child neglect is practiced out of the ignorance of the fact that every child deserve to be given the best interest in the course of his/her development. Child neglect is the major cause of child abuse in Nigeria today which must be tackled immediately.  

Labour is defined in Chambers Dictionary as toil, work, bodily work and pains. Labour is a task requiring hard work in an effort to satisfy the need of the Child. Child labour therefore means the use of the child in tasks bigger than him/her in an effort to satisfy needs. Child labour results from the neglect of the child and the inability of the parent to provide the needs of the child especially the necessaries such as food, shelter, clothing and care. The desire of every nation is to produce a well-rounded citizen who can contribute meaningfully to the growth of the nation. If there is no protection plan for children they end up as disoriented adults whose only interest or expectation in life is to cause pain, inflict injury on other members of the society.

In recent year’s child prostitution, child pornography and use of children as baby factory have become the norm in our society. They are all forms of sexual exploitation of children. Sexual exploitation is defined in the Chambers Dictionary to mean the act of using for selfish purposes, which means that those involved in sexual exploitation of children do it for their own selfish interest and not for the best interest of the child. It is important  to know  that no matter how fully  developed a child is physically as long as the child  is under the age of 18 years he or she  is still a child and deserve to be protected by the persons whose duty it is to protect  the child. There are several instances of an Aunty turning an orphan child in her custody into a baby factory because she (the Aunty) could not bear children. Sexual exploitation is abuse of children which must be stopped from the roots before it engulfs the entire society.

With the advent of certain diseases which kills without notice children caught up in the web of such are dubbed witches more especially when the resultant death is so mysterious that no reasonable explanation is proffered as to the cause of death. The most vulnerable children are those orphaned by HIV/Aids diseases. In some states it is the practice that children are chased out of their homes because of insinuation that they are involved in Witchcraft   activity. This has continued despite series of governmental interventions. It is important to note that  children dubbed witches are threatened  to either own up or say the truth, they are subjected  to severe  treatment  that leaves  a permanent  mark in  their  young heart. That is why we must quickly act, once there is it an identified identifiable child victim in this category.

Street hawking by children is a practice which predates the Child Rights Laws, but has now assumed a very dangerous dimension because of its effect on children. Children from poor homes are most vulnerable though children who are engaged as house helps and children in apprenticeship also fall victim too. Street hawking is defined in Chambers Dictionary as; one who goes about offering goods for sale. A child who is involved in street hawking is easily exposed to acts or omission which may be detrimental to his/or health as such the need to protect him/her, by offering an alternative activity such as education or skill acquisition. It is our duty as individuals to render assistance where need to be, to  make sure that children involved in street hawking are resettled, because study have shown  that their contribution to the family  does not equal the risk  they face on the street.

Begging by children is a common sight in our major towns but the painful aspect of it is the antics behind street begging. As the term implies street begging is the act of going from street to street soliciting for alms or charity. This act has become, a profitable venture that vulnerable children are turned to the street to solicit for alms by their care givers. This is not withstanding the effect of this unwholesome act or children. Though there are steps taken by stakeholders to take children out of the street, this laudable efforts are being sabotaged because of benefits those into the business derive from it. We must therefore support any effort aimed at helping to resettle children who are involved in street begging as it is an ill wind that blows no one any good.

Child trafficking may be the re-content avenue for children & youth for children who end up being victims of child abuse. In our protection activity often time child victims of abuse are children who have been taken from the homes to serve as house helps or apprentices in another town. These children are vulnerable and need protection from the society because they are often far from their immediate family and cannot help themselves because of their incapacity to do so. There are laws specifically enacted to prevent child trafficking but due to the gains accruable from the activity and some level of compromise from the society we tend to turn blind eye to this form of child abuse. Child trafficking is one  child abused that gives birth  to Sexual abuse, discrimination, neglect child labour, sexual exploitation, children dubbed, witches, street hawking, street bagging and other forms of child  abuse. That is why we must quickly support any initiative that will put an end to child trafficking.


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