Friday 16 September 2016

TEENS CORNER - Prince Emmanuel C. Umahi writes on LIFE

A wise man once asked me the meaning of LIFE
    I answered and said that it’s all about making it, having kids and a very beautiful wife,
    He laughed and told me that there’s more to that,
    So I asked, he then said that Life’s like a CONTRACT
     Where everything is more than the signed papers;
      And its challenges are worst than a child’s dirty diaper,
      That has an awful smell
      But in as much, he said that I should recall that every legend has a story to tell.

He also told me that in all my life’s dealings I should be diligent
     So that the results will be more than a sparkling white shirt washed with an Ariel detergent.
     He furthered stated that I shouldn’t forsake the words of advice from my father,
     Because that will take me further;
     And that I shouldn’t neglect asking blessings from my mother,
      Because there will be no other.
      The wise man also said that I must encompass myself with humility
   Due to the unbending fact that there’s more to life than gaining street credibility,
    But living an impact for eternity,
    And at the close of the day, I would be called His Majesty.

He also told me not to disregard prayers,
     Because life’s like a football match, where you have to grace out as the best player.
     I was told to be appreciative,
      Regardless that I’m been called “Mr. Creative”.
      Though people may say that I’m blessed with a high I.Q,
       I shouldn’t forget to say a big THANK YOU
       To the smalls efforts,
        That served as massive comforts.

He also warned me never to rely on my past achievements,
     Because there’s more in future than these present compliments.
    He also told me to forget about critics, that I was meant for greatness,
   So I should cling unto my Savior, who is my true witness,
   And also my source of strength and not weakness.
    He also told me that depression never breaks a man,
   And that rejection brings out the best in him and makes him better than superman.
    He also said that I shouldn’t just be a fan of clubs like Madrid, Man. Utd, Man. City and Barca,
    But that I should strive in been a record breaker.

The wise man also said, “Son, time is of the essence,
    So I must have a qualitative and utilized scale of preference!!!”.
    I was also told not to be deceived that was in circles,
    And you could be taken away like a rice plant harvested by a sickle.
    Also, I should learn from others mistakes,
    And try not repeating the same deed when I’m trying to impress people that I’m not a fake.
     He further stated that life’s one large express,
      That can only be known by the Creator and no fairy tale goddess.

He also told me that “no one ever gets poor by giving”,
    And that you get joy in that, than receiving.
    He reiterated that I should be stable in all my dealings;
    And not be like a student in an exam hall staring at the ceiling.
    He told me to be self-independent,
    And not to be dependent on any tier of government.
    He told me to be of an excellent report in my neighborhood,
    And despite the whole side talks and gossips, I should always feel good.

He finally told me the importance of a high self esteem,
    And the dividends of having the right team.
    He also advised me to always have a smile;
     That it would be my gateway in going miles.
      In conclusion, I should live a life that is Purpose Driven.



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