Sunday 18 September 2016


By Osim Jones Usim, ESQ, MCRP, LLM, BL, L.L.B, Executive Director Advocates Centre for Children and Youth Welfare.

There is a consistent growth in reported incidences of sexual abuse of children and adolescents in the society today than ever before. Some segment of the society have attributed this ugly development to the existence of hardcore pictures and pornographic materials which depict children as porn actors too.

The above obviously disturbing development has made it a duty for parents and adults to rise up and do all they could to protect the children from sexual abuse. In doing so the society must clearly differentiate between sexual abuse of children and Rape because of its interchangeable usage.
This is the act of having sex with a child with or without his/her consent. By Section 31(1) of the Child’s Rights Act 2003.
                                    “No person shall have sexual intercourse with a child”.
The positions of the Child’s Rights Act 2003 is direct and simple and any person who contravenes the provision of subsection (1) of this section commits an offence of rape and is liable on conviction to life imprisonment. It is important to note that by subsection (3) of Section 31.
“When a person is charged with an offence under this section, it is immaterial that the:-
a.         Offender believes the person is of or above the age of eighteen years; or
b.         The sexual intercourse was with the consent of the child”
What this means is that as long as a child, person is under 19 years the child does not have the capacity to say yes or no to advance by sexual predators. This is why children and adolescents must be protected.
Protection of children and adolescents from sexual abuse is one of the most sensitive aspects of child protection. Taking into consideration the need to deal with the topic decisively, the involvement of a specialist is deemed necessary, hence we have taken the pain to reproduce a publication prepared by Rancall Fletches, Sexual Deviance Specialist to comprehensively discuss the topic.
The purpose of this portion is to help you protect your children and adolescents from sexual molestation. Here you will find accurate information about the people who may molest children and adolescents and the situations in which molestation is most likely to take place.
Sexual abuse of a child or adolescent involves any sexual activity between a child or an adolescent under the age of 1, and an adult. Such behavior is against the law in every part of Nigeria.
Rape is the sum total of sexual abuse, especially where there is genital contact. It does not matter whether the contact was partial or unintentional.
When the sexual activity is between two children adolescents, it will depend on the difference in their age and whether or not behaviours was forced. Children under the age of 12 cannot be charged with a sexual offence. However; even very young children may behave in a sexually intrusive or sexually aggressive manner that is abusive and needs to be addressed by someone with special skills and training.
Sexual abuse involves touching and non-touching behaviours.
·         Touching a child or adolescent on their genitals (penis, testicles, vagina, breast and/or anus) for a sexual purpose.
·         Getting a child or adolescent to touch someone else’s genitals, playing sexual games.
·         Putting objects or body parts (like finger, tongue or penis) inside the vagina, in the mouth, or in the anus of a child or adolescent, for a sexual purpose.
·         Showing pornography to a child or adolescent
·         Exposing a person’s genitals to a child or adolescent.
·         Photographing a child or adolescent in a sexual pose.
·         Encouraging a child or adolescent to watch or listen to sexual acts either in person or on a video.
·         Watching a  child  or adolescent undress or use the bathroom without their knowledge (Known as voyeurism or peeping)
 Many people think of child molesters as those who hang around playgrounds or cruise neighborhoods in their cars, trying to lure victims by offering rides or treats. Although it may be true that some abuses occur due largely to this, however, it is on record, that the majority (approximately 80 to 90 percent of all cases) of children and adolescents who are sexually abused, are abused by someone they know or is known by their family.
·         Slightly less than 50 percent of these children and adolescents are abused by someone in their family. The remainder are abused by acquaintances (neighbors, coaches, teachers,  religious leaders, babysitters and others)
·         About one third of children who are sexually molested, are molested  by someone under the age of 18 (often by older children in the family)  
·         Neighbors, older playmates or a babysitter)
·         Eighty percent of the time males do the abusing. Females are the abusers about 20 percent of the time.
The available information about the people who sexually abuse children tells us that it is more likely to be someone who you or the victim knows, and who you are unlikely to suspect, than a stranger(s), who goes on the prowl looking for victims. Truth is; it is hard most times to belief that someone you know, or even like might be a sexual abuser.


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